Fast Track Development

2010-04-29 00:44:03WANGJUN


Xinjiang becomes the focus of a new support packagestrategy to modernize and assist Chinas western region

Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region is on afast track to developing its economy as theChinese Government lends its support to theMuslim-inhabited region in northwest China.Devastated by riots in July 2009, the region hasnow turned the corner. On July 10, the Bole Airportin Bortala Mongolia Autonomous Prefecture,northwest Xinjiang, 50 km south of Chinas inlandport of Alataw Pass to Central Asia, opened toflights, marking the beginning of civil aviationservice from the area to other destinations.Experts say the new avenue of air transport canattract more tourists to the already popular touristdestination, which boasts beautiful landscapes.An air route can also boost economic developmentin Xinjiang.