Africa Round-Up

2010-04-29 00:44:03

On June 8 the African Union(AU) gave its support to a mediationagreement between Eritreaand Djibouti. The agreement isaimed at resolving a border disputebetween the two, a standoffthat is considered detrimentalto stability in the Horn of Africaregion. Jean Ping, chair of the AUCommission, announced the twohad signed a deal that involvesQatars Emir Sheikh Hamad binkhalifa al-Thani acting as mediator.Last year, the United Nationsimposed sanctions on Eritrea forrefusing to participate in efforts topeacefully resolve its dispute withDjibouti. The UN sanctions werealso imposed for Eritreas allegedsupport of rebel groups in Somalia.Eritrea denies the charges.