Price Indicators in Different Enterprises

2010-01-20 15:45
China Nonferrous Metals Monthly 2010年7期

( May 2010 Average)

Unit: RMB yuan/metric ton Tianjin Nonferrous Baiyin Daye Zhongtiaoshan Yantai Penghui CNNC Northern China Shuikoushan Copper 57666.67 56300 55823.3356550 56066.67 56400 Chalco Guizhou Chalco Henan Chalco Guangxi Shangdong Aluminium Baotou Aluminium Jiaozuo Wanfang Aluminium Qinghai Aluminium Aluminium 15566.67 16000 15533.33 15566.67 15500 Zhuzhou Shuikoushan CNNC Northern China ShaoguanBaiyin Hainan Topfine Lead 15300 15350 15733.33 15483.33 15183.33 Baiyin Zhuzhou Wenzhou Smelter Shuikoushan Shaoguan CNNC Northern China Zinc(0#) 16500 16600 16833.33 16500 16966.6716733.33 Xiang Hualing Yunnan Tin CNNC Northern China Hainan Topfine Tin 144833.33 148000 145833.33 143000 Sulphuric Acid Baiyin Jinchuan Wenzhou Smelter Yantai Penghui ShaoguanZhuzhou Daye 150 420 316.67 280 300

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Writing a Check
三十载风华正茂 永不朽有色情怀