误译:On National Day, the Special Forces formation made its first debut in the military parade on Tiananmen Square.
正译:On National Day, the Special Forces formation made its debut/ made its first public performance in the military parade on Tiananmen Square.
解释:to make ones debut 的意思是to make ones first public appearance,即“第一次在公众面前露面”。debut已经具有“首次亮相”的含义,前面不必再用first。例如:1. 这只大熊猫最近在北京动物园首次亮相。This giant panda has recently made its debut/made its first public appearance in Beijing Zoo.
“亮相”的第一个意思是“戏曲演员上下场时或表演舞蹈时做出短时的静止姿势”。英语可以译为 to strike a pose on the stage。例如:2. 这位名角在台上一亮相,就博得观众的喝彩。As soon as this famous actor struck a pose on the stage, the audience gave him a loud applause.
“亮相”的第二个意思是比喻通过行动“公开露面或表演”。英语可以译为 to make ones public appearance。例如:3. 这种手机在本地市场首次亮相。This type of mobile phone has made its first public appearance in the local market.
“亮相”的第三个意思是比喻通过言语“公开表态,亮明观点”。英语译为to state ones position, to declare ones position。例如:4. 我们的意见都说了,就等你亮相了。Since we have all aired our opinions, we are waiting for you to declare your position. 5. 在弄清事情原委之前,不要急于亮相。Dont state your position before you get to the bottom of the matter.▲