误译:The rescue workers were searching the missing helicopter in the primitive forest.
正译:The rescue workers were searching for the missing helicopter in the primitive forest.
解释:to search 的宾语是“被搜索的处所”;to search for的宾语才是“被搜索的人或物”。
“搜索”的第一个意思是“仔细寻找隐藏或失踪的人或物”。英语可以译为to search, to search for, to hunt for, to comb a place for sth,to scout around。例如:
1. 调查人员正在飞机残骸中进行搜索, 试图找出造成悲惨事件的原因。Investigators are searching the wreckage of the plane to find out the cause of the tragedy.
2. 警官们找遍群山搜索失踪的孩子。The police officials combed the hills for the missing child.
“搜肠刮肚”的意思是形容“竭力思索”。英语可以译为to search ones mind for sth, to rack/cudgel ones brain for sth, to beat ones brain over sth。例如:
3. 这个博士生为写学位论文而搜肠刮肚。The PhD student beat his brain over his dissertation.
“搜索”的第二个意思是“利用网上搜索工具查找信息”。英语可以译为to search, to search for。例如:
4. 他经常通过谷歌、雅虎或百度搜索信息。He often searches for information through Google, Yahoo or Baidu.
“搜索引擎”,英语可以译为search engine。例如:
5. 这种搜索引擎能帮助你准确找到你在寻找的信息。The search engine may help you find exactly what you are looking for.
“人肉搜索”,可以译为cyber manhunt。“人肉搜索引擎”,可以译为Human-powered search engine, human search engine。▲