误译:Humankind is suffering from the harm caused by weather change.
正译:Humankind is suffering from the harm caused by climate change.
解释:weather 的意思是“天气”,指在一个特定地点和时间的大气状况,天气是一个时刻(point of time)概念。而气候是一个时段(period of time)概念。“气候”的第一个意思是“一定地区里经过观察所得到的概括性的气象状况”。可译为climate(名词),climatic(形容词)。如:1. 9月22日,胡锦涛在纽约出席联合国气候变化峰会开幕式并发表重要讲话。On September 22, Hu Jintao attended the opening session of the United Nations Climate Change Conference in New York and issued an important speech.
“气候”的第二个意思比喻“社会动向”或“社会环境”。可译为climate。如:2. 这个亚洲国家的政治气候正在发生重大转变。A great change is taking place in the political climate in this Asian country.
“成气候”的第一个意思是比喻人“有成就”或“有发展前途”。可译为to make achievements, to get somewhere。“不成气候”或“成不了气候”的意思是比喻人“没有成就”或“没有发展前途”。可译为 to make no achievements, wont get anywhere, will get nowhere。如: 3. 人们普遍承认中国足球队在短期内是难成气候的。It is generally acknowledged that Chinese football teams can hardly get anywhere in a short period of time.
“成气候”还比喻事物“流行”。可译为to become prevalent, to become well received, to become popular。如:4. 我国网上书店已成气候。In our country, online bookshops have become prevalent.▲