例如,2006~2008年作者领衔编著《经济与统计文献选读》(英汉)时,筛选“Small is Beautiful小就是美(Nick Wjke,www.timesonline.co.ukNov.13,2003)”入围,其主题句为:
1.He adds that small businesses can also be a safer option in an economic downturn as they are the ones more likely to be growing and are often the first to benefit from any economic upturn.他还说,小企业在经济低迷时是比较安全的选择,因为它们仍可能在增长;并且,通常会最先因经济好转而受益。
2.“Because of their size,small businesses look for generalists with broader responsibilities rather than specialists,”he says.他说:“因为规模所限,小企业寻找的是能身兼多任的通才而不是专才。”
例如,财经文献工作英语水平提升系列研究之首集出版物《经济与统计文献选读》(英汉)入选文献——E-Commerce Takes Off电子商务腾飞(Editorial,The Economist May.15,2004),电子商务专业性颇强:
1.With shopping-comparison services,it is possible to check the price offered by hundreds of merchants with a couple of mouse clicks.随着比较购物服务的兴起,人们点击两下鼠标就能看到数以百计的商家提供的价格。
2.Some will even have armed themselves with competing quotes from different dealers,often by using specialist websites.有的人甚至有备而来:他们常常通过专业网站,获知不同经销商的竞争性价格。
3.Gartner,another research company,estimates that the use of “phishing”,in which fraudulent emails are used to trick people into parting with credit-card and other personal details,cost American banks and credit-card companies $1.2 billion last year.另外一家研究机构嘉特纳公司估计,去年“网络钓鱼”(即采用欺骗性的电子邮件骗取信用卡和个人信息的行为)使美国银行和信用卡公司损失了12亿美元。
例如,首集入选的The Big Blue Reinvents Itself Again蓝色巨人重塑自我(Simon London,Financial Times Oct.10,2003),令人津津乐道的语句比比皆是:
1.For customers that means reinventing themselves in more a flexible,less bureaucratic guise.对客户而言,它意味着以这种方式再造自我:更加灵活多变,更少繁文缛节。
2.Herein may lie the real significance of “e-business on demand”. “随需即有的电子商务”,其真正的重要性或许正在于此。
3.Whether IBM can out-engineer its competitors in the field remains to be seen.IBM在该领域中能否从竞争者中脱颖而出,尚未可知。
4.The answer came a year ago with two high-profile moves.随着两项高调的举措,答案在去年就揭晓了。
5.First,Mr. Palmisano paid $3.5bn for the management consulting business of PwC,the professional services firm.首先,帕尔米萨诺斥资35亿美元并购了普华永道——世界四大会计公司之一——的管理咨询部门。
例如,入选《经济与统计文献选读》(英汉·立信会计出版社)的Flexible Ways to Business Challenge应对商业挑战的方式(Anonymous,www.timesonline.co.ukOct.22,2003),深谙当代人就业心理压力,煞费苦心为芸芸众生支招:
1.Flexible working potentially brings a number of considerable advantages--in attracting and retaining staff,in higher productivity,in cost reduction; and in the potential for making the whole company more adaptable.灵活性工作会带来许多好处——吸引并留住员工,提高生产率,降低成本,并增强整个公司的适应性。
2.Teleworkers,that is those working from home for at least two days a week,make up about 7.5 per cent of the British workforce,a total of more than two million.远程工作者,即每周至少在家工作两天的人,约占英国劳动力的7.5%,总人数超过两百万。
3.Teleworking is already an established working practice,and is likely to grow in importance over the next few years.远程工作已经成为常见的工作方式,今后可能会变得更加重要。
4.And the Government is trying to remove barriers to its spread.
5.In turn,this can ease pressure on infrastructure,facilitate regional development and help employees improve the balance between work and home life.因此,它可以缓和对基础设施的压力,促进区域发展,帮助雇员协调工作和家庭生活
[2]Editorial.E-Commerce Takes Off.The Economist,May.15,2004.
[3]Nick Wjke.Small is Beautiful.www.timesonline.co.uk
[4]Simon London.The Big Blue Reinvents Itself Again.Financial Times Oct.10,2003.
[5]Flexible Ways to Business Challenge.Anonymous,www.timesonline.co.uk ,Oct.22,2003.
作者简介:张宏生(1966- ),男,解放军信息工程大学理学院副教授,立信会计出版社财经文献工作英语系列出版物总主编,研究方向:财经工作英语。