Even today, there is a certain magic about Bali. The longer one stays on the island, the more one is impressed1 by the many exquisite2 sights and the scores of talented and charming people one encounters3. All the tourist hype4 aside, Bali truly is exceptional.
The island of Bali indeed presents a modern paradox5 -- an ancient, traditional society that is still incredibly alive and vital. While the basic conservatism6 of the Balinese has enabled them to preserve many of their past achievements, it has never hindered7 the acceptance of new and innovative8 elements, whether home-grown or foreign.
How are we to account for9theisland's fabled cultural wealth? A fortuitous10 congruence11 of circumstances -- accidents, really, of geography and history, seems responsible.
First and foremost, Bali is extraordinarily blessed by Nature. Lying within a narrow band of the tropics where wet and dry seasons fall roughly into balance -- providing both adequate rainfall and long periods of sunshine -- the island's soils, topography12 anti water resources are all remarkably well suited to human habitation. As a result, Bali has been civilized since very early times.
This is also the only island in "inner Indonesia" that has enjoyed centuries of more or less uninterrupted13 cultural continuity. While other traditional states in the region suffered major disruptions due to Islamization and Dutch colonization, Bali was isolated, left to go her own way.
As a result, this is the only area of Indonesia that remains "Hindu" today-retaining elements of the great fusion14 of indigenous15 and Indian cultures which took place over a thousand years ago. When Bali was, finally colonized by the Dutch, at the turn of last century, the European invaders16 were so fascinated by what they found here that a concerted17 effort was made to preserve and foster the island's traditional culture.
Balinese society remains strong and vital, moreover, because it promotes18 family and communal values. This is indeed the key -- a self-strengthening system in which religion,custom and art combine with age - old childrearing techniques and deeply- entrenched19 village institutions to produce an exceptionally well- integrated society. Feelings of alienation20 from parents and peers, so common now in the West are rare in Bali.
Children are carried everywhere until they are at least three months old,held at all times in the warm, protective embrace of family, friends and neighbors. Elaborate21 rituals22 are performed at frequent intervals23 to ensure their well-being. Every aspect of village life is organized to the nth24 degree--the individual's rights and responsibilities within the community being carefully defined by tradition.
Despite all this, it should be noted that traditional Bali was far from perfect. For the majority of Balinese peasants, it was in fact a world wracked25 by warfare,disease, pestilence26 and famine. In last century, moreover, Bali was continuously plagued27 by political violence, over-population and poverty.
Bali's unique culture should in fact be viewed as a response to difficult, uncertain conditions. Its strong village institutions served as bulwarks28 against the ever-present threat of disaster; their inherent flexibility was a guarantee of survival in the face of often overwhelming odds29.
The rapid changes now occurring on the island must be seen from this historical perspective. Certainly there are problems, some perhaps as serious as those faced in earlier times. But the Balinese are eternal30 optimists, fervently31 believing that their "Island of the Gods" enjoys a very special place indeed in the grander scheme of things.
1.impress vt.使感动,使铭记,给…深刻的印象
2.exquisite adj. 微妙的,有不寻常(或奥秘的)吸引力的
3.encounter vt. 意外地遇见,偶然碰到
4.hype n. (刺激兴趣、促进销售等的)天花乱坠的广告宣传
5.paradox n.有明显的矛盾特点的人(或事物、行为等)
6.conservatism n.保守主义,守旧性
7.hinder vt.阻碍,阻止,妨碍
8.innovative adj.新颖的,革新的
9.account for 作出说明,作出解释;提出理由
10.fortuitous adj.偶然的,偶然发生的
11.congruence n.一致,和谐
12.topography n,地形,地貌,地势
13.uninterrupted adj.不中断的,连续不断的
14.fusion n.(音乐或其它文化形式的)融合
15.indigenous adj.当地的,本土的,本地的
16.invader n.入侵者,侵略者
17.concerted adj.商定的,一致的
18.promote vt. 促进,增进
19.entrench vt. 确立,使处于牢固地位
20.alienation n.(感情上的)疏远,离间
21.elaborate adj.精心计划(或制作)的
22.ritual n.(宗教等的)仪式
23.interval n.(时间、空间上的)间隔;间距
24.nth adj. 极大的,极度的,to the~degree极 度地,极端地
25.wrack vt. 折磨,使痛苦
26.pestilence n.恶性传染病,瘟疫,疫病
27.plague vt.[口]使痛苦,使烦恼,烦扰,打扰
28.bulwark n.堡垒,壁垒
29.odds [复] n.[常用作复]可能性
30.eternal adj.永恒的,永存的,永远不变的
31.fervently adv.强烈地,热诚地