Abstract:This paper presents a survey of OPI of ICAO English test in greater depth. The study of OPI provides a clear orientation to OPI ICAO English test requirements in speaking competences, the CAAC OPI characteristics, ICAO Language Proficiency Rating scales and the assessing principles. The paper also offers some suggestions in the interview which will be no doubt of great help to the candidates.
Key words:OPI language Proficiency assessment test
The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) has adopted strengthened language proficiency requirements for flight crew and air traffic controllers operating along international air routes. As a result of the new Standards and Recommended Practices (SARPS), more stringent language testing requirements must be implemented. In order to comply with the ICAO Language Proficiency Requirements, CAAC has developed Aviation English Proficiency Tests for use by air traffic controllers and pilots. OPI is one of the important parts of the CAAC ICAO English tests.
1. What is OPI?
OPI stands for the Oral Proficiency Interview (OPI) which is a standardized procedure interview for the global assessment of functional speaking ability. An OPI is a testing method which measures how well a person speaks a language by comparing his performance of specific language tasks with the certain criteria.
The OPI in CAAC ICAO English test is designed to assess the candidates' speaking proficiency based on the criteria established in ICAO language proficiency requirements in DOC 9835.
The OPI in CAAC ICAO English test takes the form of a carefully structured conversation between a trained and certified interviewer and the person whose speaking proficiency is being assessed. A ratable conversation is administered by an individually determined series of questions, which follow the procedures: warm up, level check, probe, and wind down.
1.1.What is “speaking”?
“Speaking” is one of the language skills. There are four language skills: speaking, listening, reading and writing. "Speaking" is the productive, oral skill.
"Speaking" consists of producing systematic verbal utterances to convey meaning. "Speaking" is "an interactive process of constructing meaning that involves producing and receiving and processing information". It is often spontaneous, open-ended, and evolving, but it is not completely unpredictable. "Speaking" is a fundamental human behavior.
1.2.What speaking competences are required in OPI?
Speaking competences required in OPI are: Linguistic competences: Good pronunciation and intonation; wide vocabulary; excellent mastery of English grammar rules, and communicative competence. The communicative abilities include: the ability to interact with other speakers; the ability to convey the meaning; the ability to use language appropriately in various contexts; the ability to use language strategies to compensate for gaps in skills and knowledge; the ability to be accurate; to be able to select the correct words and expressions as well as grammatical patterns to convey the intended meaning; the ability to be fluent; to be able to speak fluidly, confidently, and at a rate consistent with the norms of relevant native speech community;
1.3.The Format of CAAC OPI
CAAC OPI consists of four stages: Warm-up; level check; probe; wrap-up。The overall structure of the OPI is summarized below:Stages ContentItem TypesQuestions numberTime (minutes)IGeneral information Warm up52-3IIWork-related topicsLevel check105-6IIIFurther check and picture talkingProbe 86-7IVGeneral questionsWrap up 51-2Total2813-17 minutes
2 ICAO rating scales
ICAO has designed the language proficiency rating scales which in some sense may be a notion of a standard to be used as a frame of reference for the assessors to be able to make consistent judgements about pilots and controller language proficiency. Six performance descriptors have been developed which describe spoken performance as the six levels.
2.1 Six Levels of ICAOLanguage Proficiency Rating
ICAO has developed six levels of ICAO language proficiency rating and established that the Operational Level (Level 4) is the minimum required proficiency level for radiotelephony communication. Levels 1 through 3 describe Pre-elementary, Elementary, and Pre-operational levels of language proficiency, respectively, all of which describe a level of proficiency below the ICAO language proficiency requirement. Levels 5 and 6 describe Extended and Expert levels, at levels of proficiency more advanced than the minimum required Standard. As a whole, the scale will serve as benchmarks for training and testing, and in assisting candidates to attain the ICAO Operational Level.
2.2 Evaluation of OPI
ICAO has also established six performance descriptors which describe spoken performance as the six levels: expert level, extended level, operational level, pre-operational level, elementary level, pre-elementary level; and the six descriptors: Pronunciation; vocabulary; structure; comprehension; fluency; and interaction.
OPI is a part of the test. Scores of OPI will not be reported as individual but as a part of the test. The final results "LEVEL" report will be issued to the candidates.
3 Suggestions for the Oral Proficiency Interview
The OPI in CAAC ICAO English test is normally administered face to face for controllers' interviews and face to face via video for pilots' interviews. It assesses the candidate's speaking proficiency and takes into consideration factors such as pronunciation, structures, vocabulary, fluency, comprehension, interaction, the different ability to successfully work through various linguistic tasks. It consists of four stages: warm-up, level check, probe, and wrap up. Here are some techniques and suggestions for ICAO OPI.
3.1 Suggestions for warm up
The first part of the interview is warm-up. This part is to give a candidate a chance to familiarize himself with interlocutor' pronunciation and the testing environment.
The questions of this part are generally about personal information or autobiographical information, family background, interests and hobbies, information of campus life or company life, the future schedules etc.
During this the interview, the candidate should try to get familiar with the interlocutor's pronunciation. Try to make test environment easy to go and make him relaxed.
At the beginning of the interview speaking with confidence is important. Therefore the candidate should speak with clear pronunciation, try to give a good impression on the interlocutor. The candidate should also speak fluently with enthusiasm to show that he is interested in the interview. Answers to the questions should be simple and brief with loud and clear voice.
3.2. Suggestions for level check
Level check: is to assess the candidate's ability to perform linguistic tasks at a base level. In this part a series of questions related with aviation will be asked in order to establish the basic level of the candidate's language proficiency. Answers to the questions in this part should be provided in detail. For example:
What sports do you like to play?Why?
Answer 1——Badminton
Answer 2——I like to play badminton. Badminton is a good sport. Many people like to play Badminton. Badminton is popular sport in china.
Answer 3——I like to play badminton because it is a fun game. Most of my friends play badminton after they have finished their flights. Unlike football badminton is a safe and healthy sport, besides badminton can be played at any place.
Answer 1 is too simple. It does not give a complete answer.
Answer 2 gives somewhat a detailed answer and the answer provides some related information. But the sentences have not arranged well. All the sentences are simple and isolated.
Answer 3 is the best. The answers are quite meaningful. Basic grammatical structures and sentence patterns are consistently well controlled. Complex structures are attempted in the reply. It presents the candidate's language ability.
"Giving a description of an event" is another requirement in this stage. Description should contain several steps: when it happened; where it happened; what it was; why it had such impression.
"Giving a description of a person" is often found in this stage. Description should contain several steps: The relationship between the candidate and the person; what the candidate thinks the person who has impressed him most; where and when the candidate met the person; what the candidate do together with the person; the person's appearance and personality; why the candidate thinks the person is a good friend; What the beautiful memories between the candidates and the person are
3.3 Suggestions for Probe
Part three is Probe, which is to determine the candidate's ability in performing linguistic tasks at the higher level. In this part the interlocutor will seek additional questions in order to find out how much language the candidate can produce and what language proficiency level he can really reach. The questions are more challenged. And the situation is more complex. There is a picture talking in the part.
The candidate should make the best use of period of time. Speak as much as possible. Try to get every opportunity to demonstrate the candidate's language competence.
Generally speaking, during this period of time, the candidates are required to describe an unusual event in the flight or controlling careers or unforgettable experiences or events. The candidate should describe the events clearly, logically and completely.
Based on the description some questions will be asked, for example: why does the candidate think the event has occurred? What does the candidate think should be done about ? What has the candidate learned from this experience? How does the candidate handle the incidents? The candidate should structure the answers carefully and give the answers clearly and concisely. The candidate should also support his idea by repeating the key words, or support his answer with all necessary information. Remember past verb tenses are required in talking about the past experience.
Make sure the candidate understand the questions, if the candidates don't know exactly, take the time to check the meaning, the candidates can clarify what the interlocutors have said, or ask for repetition, or rephrase.
Picture talking is a board topic with open-ending. The candidates can describe the picture from the different aspects.
3.4. Suggestions for Wrap-up
This is the closing part of the interview. It usually lasts only 1-2 minutes. In order not to let the interview end too promptly or too quickly, the interlocutor will usually ask some simple questions to let the candidates feel good before leaving and the interlocutor will also give thanks.
The candidates should answer the questions in simple way and be polite to express thanks as well.
4 Conclusion
A survey of OPI of ICAO English test is for searching the foundation of ICAO English teaching. The study of OPI provides not only a clear orientation to OPI ICAO English test requirements in speaking competences, the CAAC OPI characteristics, but also ICAO Language Proficiency Rating scales and the assessing principles. Suggestions in the interview which will be no doubt of great help to the candidates.
[1]ICAO. Manual on the implementation of ICAO language proficiency requirements.2004.
[2]Kathleen M. Bailey.Practical English Language Teaching: Speaking.2006.