Guo yan
As a top international show, theNorth American InternationalAuto Show (NAIAS) is among the most prestigious autoshows in the world. On January 13, 2008,in Detroit, the 101st NAIAS unveiled thefirst auto show of 2008. With the devel-oping strategy of “Going Out” and theinnovation on research and technology,China automakers achieved great progressin recent years. In this show, China fiveautomakers including: BYD Auto, Chang-feng Group, Geely International Corp, LiShi Guang Ming Auto Design Co. Ltd,and ZXAuto China (Hebei Zhongxing)attended the NAIAS on January 13 to27, 2008. Changfeng Motor Group andGeely International Corporation madereturn visits to Detroit while BYD AutoCo., Chamco and Li Shi Guang Ming ap-peared for the first time.