欧洲企业社会责任协会(CSR EUROPE)
联系人(Contact Us):
Nathalie Suvee 电话(Tel):+32 2 541 1610 nathalie.suvee@csreurope.org
崔征 电话(Tel):+86 10 62137913 editor@csr-china.net
2008年12月4日 布鲁塞尔
“Equipped for CSR” – The European Alliance for CSR Event,
4 December 2008, Brussels
CSR Europe will host its main event of the year under the theme “Equipping Companies and Stakeholders for a Competitive and Responsible Europe” in Brussels on 4 December 2008. This interactive invitation only event will be a unique opportunity to gain insight into the first results of the CSR Laboratories launched under the umbrella of the European Alliance for CSR and be the first to discover CSR Europes Toolbox – a collection of research reports, collaborative network models, online resources, practical guides and other useful tools for tackling CSR challenges.
HP releases supply chain emissions data
HP has announced emissions data associated with its largest suppliers, representing more than 80 percent of the companys costs for the materials, manufacturing and assembly of its products worldwide. The release of the data, the first by a major technology company, delivers on a specific goal published in the HP 2007 Global Citizenship Report (GCR). In 2007, the aggregated carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) emissions associated with more than 80 percent of HPs first tier manufacturing expenditures totaled approximately 3.5 million metric tons.
Volvo launches the markets first commercially viable hybrid bus
Volvo has announced the launch of the first commercially viable hybrid bus on the market, the Volvo 7700 Hybrid. With up to 30% lower fuel consumption and hybrid components, bus operators can earn a payback on the extra cost in only five to seven years.The discharge of particles and nitrous oxides declines by up to 40‐50%compared with the diesel version.
Toyotas community activities showcased on new website
Toyota Motor Europe (TME) has unveiled a new website called Toyota Fund for Europe (TFfE) at www.toyotafund.eu. The TFfE is a pan European programme that TMEoperates to support projects of NGOs, educational institutions and its sales and manufacturing companies in the field of environment, road safety and technical education.
Nissan promotes biodiversity research with U.N. Institute
Nissan Motor Co., Ltd. is promoting collaborative research with the United Nations University Institute of Advanced Studies on biodiversity conservation. The research is in line with the companys mid term environmental action plan, Nissan Green Program 2010.The results of the research will be published as a cooperative research report with the U.N. Institute by the end of fiscal year 2008. Nissan established its environmental philosophy: “A Symbiosis of People, Vehicles and Nature” in 1992 and is taking various actions to realize the philosophy under the Nissan Green Program 2010.
Latest News Form the EU
Climate change barely altering European habits, EU study says
Climate change is one of the most serious challenges facing the world according to most Europeans but few have made serious changes to their own lifestyles in order to help reduce greenhouse‐gas emissions, European Voice reports on the findings of a new Eurobarometer poll of more than 30,000 citizens in EU countries as well as Croatia, Turkey and the former Yugoslavia. Jointly commissioned by the European Commission and European Parliament, the study concluded that 62% of those surveyed consider climate change to be one of the two most serious problems facing the world today. Only poverty scored higher, being placed in the top two by 68% of respondents. However, four in 10 respondents said they felt poorly informed about climate change and ways to help fight it.
联系人(Contact Us):
黄宜玲电话(Tel):+86 20 38910690yhuang@bsr.org
崔征电话(Tel):+86 10 62137913 editor@csr-china.net
此次会议是全球食品和农业产业价值链中的CSR领导者建立联系、加强合作和寻求解决方案的一次年度聚会。此活动只面向BSR会员开放。更多的信息及注册参加请发邮件与Stephanie Greene联系,邮箱是:sgreene@bsr.org。
This Week's Top Headlines
U.S. Country-of-Origin Labeling Scheme Expands for Food
Labeling laws telling shoppers the country of origin for foods — including fruits, vegetables, beef, lamb, chicken, goat meat, ginseng, peanuts, pecans and macadamia nuts — are now in effect, following six years of political battles. Proponents say the labels, which until now applied only to seafood, will help consumers avoid products from countries with food-safety problems.
Worldwide Survey Says Companies Must Lead Climate Change Fight
The first worldwide poll of company ethics and corporate responsibility revealed that consumers want companies to take the lead in fighting global warming. Fifty-one percent of people considered it “very important” for firms to improve the environment, and 36 percent said it was “somewhat important,” according to the Nielsen Company poll of 28,000 internet users in 51 countries.
Shell Announces Biofuels Research Partnership in China
Royal Dutch Shell plc announced two biofuels research agreements with experts from the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Qingdao Institute of Bioenergy and Bioprocess Technology. The program is designed to complement Shells own biofuels research and is intended to improve efficiency and lower costs by providing information about new raw materials and new biofuels production processes.
Report Corner
Sustainability Key in Global Brand Value
According to Interbrands “Best Global Brands 2008” report, which evaluates the main drivers behind brand value, sustainability initiatives are key components to global companies brand strength.there was a clear correlation between such programs and companies scoring high on the list. Read the full report here: www.interbrand.com/images/BGB_reports/BGB_2008_US_Format.pdf
The Business Case for Community Investment
Ethical Corporations “The Value of Giving: Engaging Employees and Communities” evaluates the strategic merits and effectiveness of community investment. The report concludes that there is a strong business case for well-designed giving programs as long as certain factors are met: Companies focus on the effectiveness of community investment, rather than its size; community investment feeds into wider corporate responsibility strategy and does not replace it; and companies understand the business reasons for involvement in community investment. Download the full report here: www.ethicalcorp.com/specialreports/community-investment/docs/Community_Investment_Report_2008.pdf
Low-Carbon Economy Accelerates Green Job Creation
According to “Green Jobs: Towards Decent Work in a Sustainable, Low-Carbon World,” a report commissioned and funded by the United Nations Environment Programme, our global transition to a low-carbon and sustainable economy is likely to accelerate the pace of green job creation. This report evaluates — quantitatively, anecdotally and conceptually — current green jobs in key economic sectors and presents predictions for future green employment. Download the full report here: www.ilo.org/wcmsp5/groups/public/---dgreports/---dcomm/documents/publication/wcms_098503.pdf
Featured BSR Event
Food and Agriculture Industry Network Meeting
New York City, N.Y. Tuesday, Nov.?4, 2008(At the BSR Conference)
This convening is the annual venue of choice for senior CSR leaders in the food and agriculture value chain to foster relationships, collaboration and solutions. This event is for BSR members only. For more details and registration information, email?Stephanie Greene at sgreene@bsr.org