Little Mouse’s Clothes Store

2008-11-21 10:27
中学生英语·阅读与写作 2008年11期

童 璐

编后注:今年可谓是老鼠们值得高兴的一年,十二年才轮到它们当一回“老大”,它们当然忙得不亦乐乎。这不,小老鼠(Little Mouse)最近又开了一个服装店,鼠爸爸(Father Mouse)和鼠妈妈(Mother Mouse)也帮了不少忙,一家三口辛苦了好几天才将这服装店整理好。一起来看看发生在老鼠一家的故事吧!

Place: in the forest

Time: November, 2008

Characters: Little Mouse,

Father Mouse,

Mother Mouse,

Little Duck,

Little Bear

Scene Ⅰ

Storyteller: Little Mouse and his parents live happily in a small (小的) forest. The animals there are friendly (友好的). Every morning, Father Mouse and Mother Mouse go out (外出) to find foods. Little Mouse stays at home (呆在家) and minds(照看) the house. Their house is big and nice. Little Mouse lives on the first floor. Father Mouse and Mother Mouse live on the second (第二) floor.

Mother Mouse: Wake up (醒一醒), Little Mouse.

Little Mouse: Good morning, Mom.

Mother Mouse: Breakfast is on the table, we are going out.

Storyteller: Father Mouse goes downstairs soon (很快地). He and Mother Mouse go out together (一起). Little Mouse stands (站) outside (外面) and says goodbye to his parents.


Storyteller: Little Mouse stays at home alone (单独地). He feels (感觉) his life (生活) is boring. He wants to change (改变) it. So he goes to find his best (最好的) friend Little Duck.

Little Mouse: Can you help me, Little Duck?

Little Duck: Whats wrong with you? (你怎么了?)

Little Mouse: After my parents go out, I feel bored and lonely (孤独的) at home. I want to change it.

Little Duck: You can do something at home. What about opening a store? (开个店怎么样?)

Little Mouse: But I dont know what I can sell. (但是我不知道可以卖什么。)

Little Duck: What about a clothes store?

Little Mouse: Thats a good idea (主意). There are no clothes stores nearby (附近). I will (将) tell (告诉) my parents this evening. Thank you.

Storyteller: After a few minutes (分钟), Little Mouse leaves (离开) Little Ducks house happily.

Scene Ⅲ

Storyteller: In the afternoon, Father Mouse and Mother Mouse come home. They find some food today.

Little Mouse: Mom and Dad, I want to open a clothes store.

Mother Mouse: What? A clothes store?

Little Mouse: Yes, I want to open a clothes store. Im alone at home after you leave. I want to do something useful (有用的).

Father Mouse: Thats great! We will help you.

Mother Mouse: OK, I agree (同意) with you.

Little Mouse: Thank you very much.

Storyteller: Father Mouse goes out to buy some clothes. Mother Mouse helps to clean the house. Little Mouse moves (搬) to the upper floor (楼上). They will use the first floor as (作为) the store. After a weeks busy (忙碌的) work, the store was set up at last (最终). They call it “Little Mouses Clothes Store”.

Scene Ⅳ

Storyteller: Father Mouse goes out to find foods every day. Mother Mouse stays at home to help Little Mouse. Soon, the neighbors (邻居们) know the store. They come to Little Mouses Clothes Store to buy clothes. Little Bear is the first one.

Little Mouse: Can I help you, Little Bear?

Little Bear: Yes, please. I want to buy a hat.

Little Mouse: What about this blue one?

Little Bear: Its nice. How much is it?

Little Mouse: Two yuan.

Little Bear: Thats great. I will take it. Thanks.

Little Mouse: Youre welcome.

Storyteller: Little Mouse is very happy because (因为) he sells the first thing. After Little Bear leaves, some other (其他的) animals come to his store. Little Mouse is tired (累的) every day, but he is happy. From then on (从那时起), he doesnt feel bored. He is happy every day. (未完待续……)


1. Why (为什么) does Little Mouse want to open a store?

2. Who (谁) is Little Mouses best friend?

3. Whats the name of the store?

4. Who is the first customer (顾客)? What does he buy?

5. 设想一下接下来会发生什么,中英文均可。 [参考答案见下期]

编后注:不知同学们表演完后有什么感想,别忘了写信告诉我们,来信请寄:华中师范大学《中学生英语》杂志社 七年级版(收),邮编:430079

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