薛敏华 何永仓
1. aboard & abroad & board & broad
<1> aboardadv.& prep.乘车(船,飞机等)
e.g. go aboard; go aboard a plane
<2> abroadadv.国外 e.g. go abroad
<3> board n.木板;委员会 v. 乘车(船,飞机等)
e.g. blackboard; a school board(教育委员会); board a plane
on board 在车(船,飞机等)
e.g. on board a plane
<4> broad adj. 宽的e.g. broad knowledge
If you go abroad aboard a plane/on board a plane, youd better not take too broad a luggage.
2. attitude & altitude & latituden.
<1> attitude 态度;看法
<2> altitude 海拔;高度
<3> latitude 纬度
What is your attitude to setting up a building at an altitude of 300 meters at high latitudes?
3.lie & lie & layv.
<1> lie(liedlied) 撒谎 e.g.Dont lie to me.
<2> lie(laylain) 躺;位于e.g.On the hill lay a girl.
<3> lay(laidlaid) 放置;下蛋;产卵
e.g. Please lay the book on the desk.
The boy lying on the bed laid the book and lied to the teacher that he was ill, when the teacher came into the dormitory.
4.fly & flow
<1> fly (flewflown) 飞; (旗子等)飘动,飞扬
e.g. The national flag was flying from the pole.
<2> flow (flowedflowed) 流动; (衣服,头发)垂下,飘动
e.g. Her hair flowed over her shoulders.
When school was over, all the students flowed the school gate and flew in all directions. 放学后,同学们涌出校门作鸟兽散。
5.see & saw
<1>see (saw; seen) 看见
<2>saw(sawed; sawed) 锯开;锯
典型例句:I saw the wood sawed by an old man with a saw.
6. arise & rise & raise
<1> arise vi.发生;出现
e.g.A new difficulty has arose.
<2> rise vi. 升起
e.g.The sun rises in the east and sets in the west.
<3> raise vt. 举起; 提出; 提高
7.adapt & adopt
<1> adapt vt. 使适应; 改编
e.g. When you go to a new country, you must adapt yourself to new manners and customs.
<2> adopt vt. 收养; 采纳; 接受
e.g. As they had no children of their own, they adopted an orphan.
The boy adopted by the old couple has adapted himself to the life here.
8. attack & attach & attract
<1> attack 攻击 e.g. attack the enemy
<2> attach 附加be attached to 为爱所束缚; 爱慕
e.g. a house with a garage attached
<3> attract 吸引e.g. He shouted to attract attention.
Her young brother attached to by her attacked her to attract their parents attention.
9.desert & dessert
<1> desert n. 沙漠v. 遗弃adj. 不毛的
e.g. He deserted his family.
<2> dessert n. 小甜点
10.scared & sacred
<1> scaredadj.害怕的
<2> sacredadj. 神圣的
The sacred temple is a scared place.
11. loyal & royaladj.
<1> loyal忠诚的 be loyal to
<2> royal皇家的
They should be loyal to royal power.
12.appear & appeal
<1> appear vi. 出现
e.g. A car suddenly appeared out of the fog.
<2> appeal vi. 呼吁;要求 e.g. We appealed to him for help.
13. physicist & physician
<1> physicist物理学家
<2> physician内科医生
14. coach & couch
<1> coach 教练;长途公共汽车
<2> couch 椅子e.g. a couch potato(电视迷)
15.soup & soap
<1> soup 汤
<2> soap 肥皂