
2008-07-01 01:30:38
WTO经济导刊 2008年5期



欧洲企业社会责任协会(CSR EUROPE)

联系人(Contact Us):

Nathalie Suvee 电话(Tel):+32 2 541 16 10 nathalie.suvee@csreurope.org

崔征 电话(Tel):+86 10 62137913 editor@csr-china.net



第三届企业社会责任国际论坛暨“2007金蜜蜂企业社会责任·中国榜”发布典礼将于2008年4月25日在北京举行。《WTO经济导刊》杂志社、中德贸易可持续发展与企业行为规范项目联合欧洲企业社会责任协会和日本社团法人海外事业活动关联协议会共同主办此次活动。欧洲企业社会责任协会正在联系欧盟委员会代表出席事宜。欧洲企业社会责任协会的Jan Noterdaeme将出席并演讲。







安赛乐米塔尔宣布了一项为期两年的1000万欧元的投资计划,比利时Liège CFR unit是硬化钢环的生产商,该计划的目标在于日益增长的风力涡轮机市场。今天,世界范围内的每三个风力涡轮机中就有一个是由CFR制造的。

惠普发布顶级供应商名单 宣布针对妇女健康议题


巴斯夫公司提供技术 为香港空气的清洁做出贡献








CSR Europe at China International CSR Forum, Beijing, 25 April

The Third International CSR Forum and Ceremony to announce ?007 Golden Bee CSR China Honor Roll?will be held at the Beijing on 25 April 2008. The forum is a high-level international event, hosted by China WTO Tribune, Sino-German CSR Project, CSR Europe and Council for Better Corporate Citizenship (Japan). CSR Europe is co-hosting the event and liaising with the European Commission regarding their participation. Jan Noterdaeme, on behalf of the European Chommepany for CSR Europe, will be one of the speakers.

CSR Laboratories update

The attachment of this Newsbundle, the Update on CSR Laboratories, gives an overview of the latest activities associated with CSR Laboratoriy projects led or facilitated by CSR Europe and its members and partners. During 2007, companies and business organisations across Europe launched a total of 20 Laboratories addressing a wide range of CSR challenges and involving around 200 companies and stakeholders. By the end of this year, the Laboratories aim to deliver concrete outcomes based on their work so far. Read more in the attached document or visit the website www.csreurope.org/alliance.


ABB technology gives offshore wind farms new capabilities

One of ABBs largest orders in 2007 came from a unit of E.ON, Germanys biggest utility, for technology that will link the worlds largest offshore wind farm to the German power grid. The solution enables the transmission of large amounts of power underwater and underground, with minimal impact on the environment.

ArcelorMittal investment targeted at wind turbines market

ArcelorMittal has announced a two-year 10 million investment plan at the Liege (Belgium) CFR unit, a producer of hardened steel rings, to target the growing wind turbines market. Today, one out of three wind turbines produced worldwide contains CFR-made rings.

HP releases list of top suppliers, announces programme on womens health issues

HP has publicly detailed its largest suppliers, representing more than 95 percent of HPs procurement expenditures for materials, manufacturing and assembly of HPs products worldwide. Separately, HP announced a pilot programme to empower workers and advance womens health issues among its suppliers.

Technology from BASF makes Hong Kongs air cleaner

BASF is supplying diesel particulate filters for over 2,500 Hong Kong transit buses, marking the first large-scale commercial use of diesel particulate filters in the city as part of a diesel retrofit programme. It also demonstrates BASF Catalysts?continued efforts to promote a cleaner environment in Hong Kong with its more than 7 million inhabitants. Diesel vehicles are the main cause of street-level air pollution in Hong Kong.

EU UPDATE AND INSIGHT - The Latest News From the EU

EU ‘Lisbon Agenda gets social make over

While heads of states and government congratulated themselves on putting social and environmental concerns back onto the EUs growth and jobs agenda at a Summit on 13-14 March, social NGOs blasted them for the “social emptiness”of their conclusions, EurActiv reports. In response to increasing public concern on climate change, ageing population and social exclusion, EU heads of state and government said they had agreed to shift the Lisbon Agenda away from its purely “growth and jobs”ocus of the past three years and to put the environment and citizens more“in the foreground”

EU leaders commit to agreeing climate change package by year end

The 27 EU heads of state and government on 14 March agreed to finalise, by the end of the year, ambitious plans to cut energy use and fight climate change, AFP reports. The plan aims to meet the European Unions over-arching goal to reduce emissions of carbon dioxide by 20 percent by 2020, compared to 1990 levels. While seeking to tackle global warming EU leaders also voiced concerns over cooling economic prospects, amid record oil prices, euro levels and inflation.





在2008年的委托书征集季节,美国投资者起草了54个关于全球变暖的利益相关者决议,这一数量几乎是两年前的2倍。2008 proxy season主要针对以下几个行业给出决议:电力行业、煤炭行业油气行业、航空行业与建筑行业。这些行业内的企业没有对气候变化的风险进行足够的准备——包括管理制度,实际的影响以及对低碳技术不断增长的需求,同时,他们对气候变化带来的机遇也缺乏认识,从而影响他们的长期竞争力。


沃尔玛公司日前表示,他们将在今年秋季与中国数以千计的供应商会晤,要求减少产品生产环节的废物和废气的排放。“我们在中国开展的这个项目不仅处理环境的可持续问题,同时也关乎在中国的采购问题。”公司首席执行官Lee Scott 说道, 沃尔玛在中国的工作重点是解决废物处理问题,以及减少废物和二氧化碳的排放。


500多名印度焊接工和管道维修工被带到美国为一家名叫“Signal International, Llc”的公司工作,这是一家石油钻塔维修和建筑公司。他们联合起来共同起诉该公司的诈骗行为,称该公司承诺他们提供永久居住权,但却强迫他们住在恶劣的环境下,并对他们的抗议进行威胁。





由Joel Makower和Clean Edge合著的《2008能源趋势》一文中提到,去年全球对生物燃料、风能、太阳能光电和燃料电池的市场需求增长了40%,达到773亿美元。报告下载地址:www.cleanedge.com/reports/pdf/Trends2008.pdf。


BSR组织召开采矿行业CSR 会议:2008年3月25日,中国北京

2008年3月25日,BSR和中国国际矿业协会(CIMG)在北京联合举办了“中国采掘行业企业社会责任工作组(EIWG)启动会”。来自政府、矿业、石油、天然气等能源企业、国际机构、研究机构、NGO的各方代表出席了本次会议。详情请参阅: http://www.bsr.org/events/EIWG_Flyer.pdf ,联系人谢坚,jxie@bsr.org。

This Weeks Top Headlines

U.S. Senate Cracks Down on Product Safety Laws

The U.S. Senate approved a measure to overhaul consumer product laws and strengthen the safety agency that oversees the US$614 billion import market. The proposed legislation would ban phthalates in childrens products, increase the staff and budget of the Consumer Product Safety Commission, create a public database of complaints about products, and allow state prosecutors to take action if they think the federal government is not doing enough to protect consumers. The Senate bill, which was approved 79 to 13 and supported by consumer groups, will now head to a conference committee to be reconciled with a more modest measure endorsed by the White House that was unanimously passed by the House in December but rejected by the Senate last week. The White House has criticized the Senate legislation but has not threatened a veto.

Investors Increasingly Demand Disclosure of Climate-Change Impacts

In the 2008 proxy season U.S. investors have filed a record 54 climate change-related shareholder resolutions - nearly double the amount in 2006 - with companies that will likely face business impacts from climate change. According to Ceres, a Boston-based coalition of investors and environmentalists, many companies in the electric power, oil, coal, aviation and construction businesses were not adequately confronting the risks - including future regulations, physical impacts and growing demand for low-carbon technologies - and opportunities from climate change, which may compromise their long-term competitiveness.

Wal-Mart Pursues Green Efforts in China

Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. announced that it will meet with its thousands of Chinese suppliers this fall in an effort to reduce waste and emissions from factories that make its products. "We started a very aggressive program in China that is not only going to deal with environmental sustainability, but is also going to deal more aggressively with the issues of sourcing in China," said chief executive Lee Scott. The company's top priorities in China will be to address the appropriate disposal of waste as well as to make reductions in both waste and greenhouse gas emissions.

Indian Workers Sue U.S. Company Over International Trafficking Ring

A group of 500 Indian welders and pipefitters brought to the United States to work for Signal International, Llc, a Gulf Coast oil rig repair and construction company, filed a class-action anti-racketeering lawsuit claiming they were lured with false promises of permanent-resident status, forced to live in inhumane conditions and then threatened when they protested.

Report Corner

Environmental Action: Necessary and Affordable

According to “OECD Environmental Outlook to 2030,”tackling climate change, pollution and other environmental hazards is affordable and urgent action is needed to avoid irreversible damage. This in-depth analysis of economic and environmental trends highlights cost-effective policies to address key environmental problems, including climate change, biodiversity loss, water scarcity and the health impacts of pollution. The report is available at http://www.oecd.org/document/20/0,3343,en_2649_37465_39676628_1_1_1_37465,00.html.

Clean Energy Markets Thrive Despite Economic Slump

According to “Energy Trends 2008,”co-authored by Joel Makower and Clean Edge, global markets for biofuels, wind power, solar photovoltaics and fuel cells jumped 40 percent last year to US$77.3 billion. Download the report at www.cleanedge.com/reports/pdf/Trends2008.pdf.

Featured BSR News

BSR Convening for Extractives Industry in China: March 25, 2008, in Beijing

BSR and the China International Mining Group are organizing a CSR convening for companies in the extractives industry to discuss sustainable business practices in Chinas extractives industry and launch a new Extractives Industry Working Group (EIWG).For details, download the invitation at http://www.bsr.org/events/EIWG_Flyer.pdf or contact Xie Jian at jxie@bsr.org.

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