Oracle and ZTE Extend Alliance for Service Delivery Platform Blueprint Development

2008-01-01 01:33:48
ZTE Communications 2008年2期

Oracle and ZTEannounced on April 21,2008 that they have extended their alliance in connection with the marketing and development of Service Delivery Platform offerings in China and globally.

Oracle is the global No.1 communications software vendor and ZTEis a leading global provider of communications equipment and network solutions.Demonstrating its strong enabler capabilities,ZTEis already a supplier of unified software platform to application providers,offering a strong management portalto provide flexible and complete access to applications,as well as asset management functionalities.Oracle and ZTEwill leverage their complementary strengths in communications and enterprise software to collaborate in the development of an SDPblueprint and proof-of-concept.Both parties will work with additional partners to enrich the total SDPsolution.

By using carrier-grade J2EEas its basis for the Service Delivery Platform,the Oracle-ZTESDPblueprint will enable a standards-based environment for the design,development,deployment,and management of services that lie at the heart of ITand network convergence.The Oracle-ZTESDPoffering will help support the full life cycle of next-generation data services,starting from design and development all the way through deployment,management and service upgrades.

Confronted with huge infrastructure costs,communications service providers need to develop new high value services faster to recoup their investments.At the same time,they have to deal with eroding revenue streams from traditional services such as voice,and overcome fierce market competition.It is essential to be able to rationalize the service provider's environment to build,deploy and manage services as well as facilitate the development of new attractive services by third-party partner service providers.The SDP development between Oracle and ZTEwillhelp future prove the infrastructure investment made by the communications service provider.