文 苑
One legend(传说故事) goes that a beast(野兽) named Nian had a very big mouth. It can swallow(吞下) a lot of people with one bite(一口). People were very scared(害怕).
One day, an old man came to rescue(救援) them. Heoffered(提供) a way to subdue(降伏) Nian. He told people to put up(张贴) red paper decorations(窗花) on their windows and doors at each years end to scare away(吓走) Nian, because red is the color the beast feared the most.
From then on, the tradition(传统) of conquering (降伏)of Nian is carried on from generation to generation(代代相传). The word “过年”, which means “Survive the Nian”(度过年关) ,becomes todays “Celebrate the New Year”.