ZTE Communications
- Millimeter Wave Communication for Cellular and Cellular-802.11 Hybrid Networks
- ZTELaunches Innovative Energy-Saving Solution for LTENetworks
- Millimeter Wave and Terahertz Communications:Feasibility and Challenges
- WiGig and IEEE 802.11ad for Multi-Gigabyte-Per-Second WPAN and WLAN
- Modeling Human Blockers in Millimeter Wave Radio Links
- 60 GHz SIWSteerable Antenna Array in LTCC
- Line-of-Sight MIMOfor Next-Generation Microwave Transmission Systems
- ZTECommunications Guidelines for Authors
- Terabit Superchannel Transmission:ANyquist-WDM Approach
- Parallel Web Mining System Based on Cloud Platform
- Hierarchical Template Matching for Robust Visual Tracking with Severe Occlusions
- ZTELaunches the First PC-Based CPTfor LTENetworks
- Design and Implementation of ZTE Object Storage System
- 2013 IET International Conference on Information and Communications Technologies