- Outdoor localization of agricultural tracked robots based on 3D lidar*
- 基于Creo的红薯移栽机凸轮机构设计与分析*
- 果园水肥一体管控系统设计与应用*
- Development and test of on-line monitoring system for rice harvester operation quality*
- Design and test of chemical pesticide recovery system for self-propelled sprayer*
- 基于物联网农业设施群测控系统的研制*
- Effects of tillage on soil organic carbon distribution, stocks, and quality from rice -wheat fields of subtropical China*
- 风光互补智能茶园防霜系统设计研究*
- 基于LabVIEW的水肥灌溉模糊专家系统设计与研究*