- Neuronal growth cones and regeneration: gridlock within the extracellular matrix
- Proteoglycans: Road Signs for Neurite Outgrowth
- Traf fi c lights for axon growth: proteoglycans and their neuronal receptors
- Time dependent integration of matrix metalloproteinases and their targeted substrates directs axonal sprouting and synaptogenesis following central nervous system injury
- In the presence of danger: the extracellular matrix defensive response to central nervous system injury
- Regulatory effects of inhibiting the activation of glial cells on retinal synaptic plasticity
- Characterization of hippocampal Cajal-Retzius cells during development in a mouse model of Alzheimer’s disease (Tg2576)
- The Pael-R gene does not mediate the changes in rotenone-induced Parkinson’s disease model cells
- Compound Formula Rehmannia alleviates levodopainduced dyskinesia in Parkinson’s disease
- Local inhibition of GABA affects precedence effect in the inferior colliculus
- 7.0T nuclear magnetic resonance evaluation of the amyloid beta (1–40) animal model of Alzheimer’s disease: comparison of cytology veri fi cation
- Circadian fl uctuations in three types of sensory modules in healthy subjects
- Examination of Huntington’s disease in a Chinese family
- Posterior quadrantic disconnection maintains the activity of isolated temporal-parietal-occipital nerve tissue: neuroprotective measures in the surgical treatment of epilepsy