- 基于残差网络的结直肠内窥镜图像超分辨率重建方法
- 多尺度注意力融合的图像超分辨率重建
- 轻量型YOLOv5s 车载红外图像目标检测
- 基于改进引导滤波器的多光谱去马赛克方法
- 基于L1-2 时空域总变分正则项的红外弱小目标检测算法
- 空间引力波探测前向杂散光测量和抑制
- 面向空间激光干涉的多通道相位测量系统
- 结合光学掩模调制的鼠眼像差精确测量
- 基于轴承和柔性铰链的布拉格光纤光栅加速度计
- 分光比可调的光功率分束器的设计
- 氨气高精度激光光谱检测装置的设计及实现
- 单波长激光通信终端的隔离度
- 石墨烯/硅异质结光电探测器的制备工艺与其伏安特性的关系
- 等周期变倾角干涉条纹复用法扩展增强现实耦合元件体光栅角度带宽
- 基于双速度环观测器的光电平台稳定方法
- Method for the simultaneous measurement of waveguide propagation loss and bending loss
- Design of all-optical half-adder based on nonlinear effect and linear interference effect
- The Poynting vectors, spin and orbital angular momentums of uniformly polarized cosh-Pearcey-Gauss beams in the far zone
- Decoherence of temporal quantum correlation in electrically controllable quantum-dots molecules
- Double-slot ultra-compact polarization beam splitter based on asymmetric hybrid plasmonic structure
- Development of a doppler asymmetric spatial heterodyne interferometer for ground-based wind field detection at the 557.7 nm wavelength
- High-performance transparent all-carbon photodetectors based on the semiconducting single-walled carbon nanotube/fullerene heterojunctions
- Integrated Nitride optoelectronic chip for motion detection and visible light communication