World Journal of Hepatology
- Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease: ls surgery the best current option and can novel endoscopy play a role in the future?
- Therapies for non-alcoholic fatty liver disease: A 2022 update
- Βile acids as drivers and biomarkers of hepatocellular carcinoma
- Approach to persistent ascites after liver transplantation
- Alcohol intake is associated with a decreased risk of developing primary biliary cholangitis
- Positive autoantibodies in living liver donors
- Decrease in liver cancer incidence rates in Βamako, Mali over 28 years of population-based cancer registration (1987-2015)
- Modified preoperative score to predict disease-free survival for hepatocellular carcinoma patients with surgical resections
- Liver magnetic resonance imaging for evaluation of response to treatment after stereotactic body radiation therapy of hepatocellular carcinoma
- Hereditary hemochromatosis: Temporal trends, sociodemographic characteristics, and independent risk factor of hepatocellular cancer- nationwide population-based study
- A retrospective study on use of palliative care for patients with alcohol related end stage liver disease in United States