论 文
- 混合熔盐法低温合成Sm2Ti2S2O5及其光催化分解水产氢
- 盐酸氯丙嗪对八肋游仆虫中心蛋白C端功能的抑制
- 以2-(2-吡啶基)苯并噻吩为主配体的两种蓝紫光二价铂配合物的合成与性质
- 溶胶-凝胶法制备Fe掺杂MgF2催化剂及其催化1,1-二氟乙烷(R152a)脱HF反应的性能
- 三维α-MnO2@Co3O4异质材料的制备、表征及其催化性能
- 复合催化剂α-(Fe,Cu)OOH/RGO的制备、表征及其协同H2O2在可见光下去除环丙沙星性能
- 巯基/羧基修饰硅藻土及其对Pb(Ⅱ)、Cd(Ⅱ)的吸附性能
- 三元混配铜(Ⅱ)配合物的晶体结构、DNA作用及其生物活性
- 基于1D/0D有序复合SnO2纳米晶的钙钛矿太阳能电池
- Mn、Mg共掺杂Ni(OH)2的电化学性能
- 铬-对苯二甲酸MOF的框架异构:MIL-88B(Cr)和MIL-101(Cr)
- 高镍系正极材料LiNi0.88Co0.07Al0.05O2的制备及性能表征
- Preparation,Structures and Thermal Stabilities of Four Transition Metal Complexes Constructed by 3,7-Di(3-pyridyl)-1,5-dioxa-3,7-diazacyclooctane Bipyridine Ligand
- Ni(OH)2with Super-Small Nanoscale:Synthesis and Application in Li+Adsorptions
- Dynamic Formation of Pdδ+-Fe2+Interface Promoting Reverse Water Gas Shift Reaction over Pd/FeOxCatalyst
- Aluminum Amine Compound Protected by β-Diketiminate Ligand:Preparation and Enhanced Performance as Catalyst for Ring-Opening Polymerization of ε-Caprolactone
- Easy Preparation of N-Doped Graphene-like Nanosheets as Excellent Metal-Free Cathodic Electrocatalysts of Zn-Air Battery
- Electrodeposition of NiS on CoNi2S4for Flexible Solid-State Asymmetric Supercapacitors
- Preparation and in Vitro Experiment of Attapulgite-based Microgels with Magnetic/Temperature Dual Sensitivities