Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics
- Microwave Photonics for Modern Radar Systems*
- Tunable Electromagnetic Cloaking by External Field
- FDTD Simulations on Plasmonic Properties of End-to-End and Side-by-Side Assembled Au Nanorods*
- Fast SSED-MoM/FEM Analysis for Electromagnetic Scattering of Large-Scale Periodic Dielectric Structures*
- Parallel-Computing Wavelet-Based FDTD Method for Modeling Nanoscale Optical Resonator
- Conformal Multi-resolution Time-Domain Method for Scattering Curved Dielectric Objects
- Scattering Analysis of Bi-anisotropic Materials Using Fast Dipole Method
- Analysis for Transm ission of Com posite Structure w ith Graphene Using Equivalent Circuit M odel*
- Panoram ic Imaging System Inspired by Insect Com pound Eyes*
- Improved Algorithm of Variable Bandwidth Kernel Particle Filter
- Focus Reflective Shock Wave Interaction with Flame
- Geometric Covariance Modeling for Surface Variation of Compliant Parts Based on Hybrid Polynomial Approximation and Spectrum Analysis*
- Control System in M issiles for W hole-Trajectory-Controlled Trajectory Correction Projectile Based on DSP
- Weak GPS L1 Signal Acquisition Based on BPDC
- Experiment on Adiabatic Film Cooling Effectiveness in Front Zone of Effusion Cooling Configuration*