TMR Modern Herbal Medicine是一本以草药现代化研究为特色的国际英文学术期刊。刊物面向草药现代化的科学前沿研究领域,主要发表与草药研究相关的最新技术与方法以及探索性的研究成果。杂志特色栏目包括草药的现代种植与培养、分离纯化与结构改造、药理毒理、制剂与制药工程、临床评价。其中药理毒理及临床评价栏目优先发表药物的网络药理学、精准医学与分子模拟对接研究内容以及药物的上市研究、上市后再评价。主要包括述评、综述、基础研究、临床研究、医学假说、个案报道等。旨在运用现代先进的科技手段开展草药研究,挖掘其潜在价值,及时报道最新成果,促进国际学术交流,实现草药的现代化与国际化。
TMR Modern Herbal Medicine
- Go with the flow,emerge as the times require and propel the modernization of traditional Chinese medicine to a new era
- Swallow anything and everything,seek difference and truth-The consideration on development of post-modern Chinese medicine
- Mangiferin ameliorates hyperglycemia by inhibiting oxidation and α-glucosidase activity
- HPLC Fingerprinting and Spectrum-antitumor Effect Relationship for Discrim ination between Mylabris phalerata Pallas and Mylabris cichorii Linnaeus
- Explore the direct and/or the synergistic antihypertensive effects of wind-dispelling herbs involving Fangfeng and Baizhi on hypertensive rats with liver-yang hyperactivity based on vasoactive substances
- External application of Chinese medicine formula combined with analgesic drugs to treat lung squamous cell carcinoma pain:A case study with mixed methods
- A treatment for Henoch-Schönlein purpura based on Shaoyang Channels:a hypothesis and case report
- Perspectives in app lication of biosensors for the modernization of traditional Chinese medicine