- Iptakalim, a novel ATP-sensitive potassium channel opener, inhibits pulmonary arterial smooth muscle cell proliferation by downregulation of PKC-α☆
- TSP-1 promotes glomerular mesangial cell proliferation and extracellular matrix secretion in Thy-1 nephritis rats☆
- Dual therapy of rosiglitazone/pioglitazone with glimepiride on diabetic nephropathy in experimentally induced type 2 diabetes rats
- Fracture resistance of posterior teeth restored with modern restorative materials
- Mutational screening of affected cardiac tissues and peripheral blood cells identified novel somatic mutations in GATA4 in patients with ventricular septal defect☆
- Evaluation of computed tomography obstruction index in guiding therapeutic decisions and monitoring percutanous catheter fragmentation in massive pulmonary embolism
- Generation of conditional knockout alleles for PRL-3☆
- Active motif finder - a bio-tool based on mutational structures in DNA sequences