The Crop Journal (《作物学报》英文版)是中国科协主管,中国作物学会、中国农业科学院作物科学研究所和中国科技出版传媒股份有限公司共同主办的学术期刊。创刊于2013年。办刊宗旨为刊载作物科学相关领域最新成果和应用技术, 开展国际学术交流, 促进我国作物科学研究水平及国际影响力的提升。主要刊登农作物遗传育种、耕作栽培、生理生化、生态、种质资源、谷物化学、贮藏加工以及与农作物有关的生物技术、生物数学、生物物理、农业气象等领域以第一手资料撰写的学术论文、研究报告、简报以及专题综述、评述等。读者对象是从事农作物科学研究的科技工作者、大专院校师生和具有同等水平的专业人士。中国农业科学院研究生院已将The Crop Journal列为博士研究生毕业发表论文认定期刊。 The Crop Journal与国际知名出版商Elsevier合作, 在ScienceDirect网络出版平台实现全文开放存取和在线预出版( journals/the-crop-journal/2214-5141)。
The Crop Journal
- Repetitive sequence analysis and karyotyping reveal different genome evolution and speciation of diploid and tetraploid Tripsacum dactyloides
- Comprehensive cytological characterization of the Gossypium hirsutum genome based on the development of a set of chromosome cytological markers
- Karyotyping and identifying all of the chromosomes of allopolyploid Brassica juncea using multicolor FISH
- QTL underlying iron and zinc toxicity tolerances at seedling stage revealed by two sets of reciprocal introgression populations of rice(Oryza sativa L.)
- Accuracy of genomic selection in biparental populations of flax(Linum usitatissimum L.)
- Identification of the varietal origin of processed loose-leaf tea based on analysis of a single leaf by SNP nanofluidic array
- Genetics of carotenoids for provitamin A biofortification in tropical-adapted maize
- Effect of N fertilization rate on soil alkalihydrolyzable N,subtending leaf N concentration,fiber yield,and quality of cotton
- A preliminary study of the effects of plastic film-mulched raised beds on soil temperature and crop performance of early-sown short-season spring maize(Zea mays L.)in the North China Plain