《寒旱区科学》及时报道寒冷、干旱环境下, 地球表层系统的过程和格局研究的最新成果。寒区研究: 侧重低温环境下, 寒区特殊的物理过程、 化学过程和生物过程及其相互作用的研究; 强调冰冻圈对全球变化和人类活动的响应, 及其对环境的影响和适应对策; 突出冰川,积雪, 河、 湖、海冰, 多年和季节冻土, 冰缘地貌等研究对象; 重视寒区工程技术。旱区研究: 侧重干旱环境下, 旱区特殊的物理过程、化学过程和生物过程及其相互作用的研究; 强调旱区环境对人类活动和全球变化的响应, 及其对环境的影响和适应对策; 突出沙漠、绿洲、黄土和风沙地貌等研究对象; 扶植干旱区流域, 以水为主线, 山地-荒漠-绿洲系统的综合集成研究, 积极为旱区的水安全、生态安全和粮食安全提供可靠的科学技术支撑。读者对象为从事寒旱区科学研究的广大研究人员和有关专业的院校师生以及相关领域的管理干部。
Sciences in Cold and Arid Regions
- Evaluating the optimal porosity of fences for reducing wind erosion
- A wind tunnel investigation on the transverse motion of aeolian sand
- Influential factors on the repose angle of desert sands
- Characteristics of abrupt changes of snow cover and seasonal freeze-thaw layer in the Tibetan Plateau and their impacts on summer precipitation in China
- The impact of heterogeneity of land surface roughness length on estimation of turbulent flux in model
- Estimation of ground heat flux and its impact on the surface energy budget for a semi-arid grassland
- Comparison and analysis of snow cover data based on different definitions of snow cover days
- Storm-scale ensemble forecast based on breeding of growth modes
- Characteristics of urban heat island effect in Lhasa City
- An overview on observational instruments and measuring methods for dewfall
- Isotope hydrograph separation in alpine catchments:a review
- Profile of Chief Editor of Sciences in Cold and Arid Regions