水动力学研究与进展 B辑
- Experimental study on dynamic mechanism of vortex evolution in a turbulent boundary layer of low Reynolds number *
- Liutex-based analysis of drag force and vortex in two-phase flow past 2-D square obstacle using LBM on GPU *
- An experiment study of vortex induced vibration of a steel catenary riser under steady current *
- A numerical study of the early-stage dynamics of a bubble cluster *
- A numerical investigation of interactions between extreme waves and a vertical cylinder *
- Numerical investigations of the transient cavitating vortical flow structures over a flexible NACA66 hydrofoil *
- Oxygen transfer characteristics of bubbly jet in regular waves *
- A study on nonlinear steady-state waves at resonance in water of finite depth by the amplitude-based homotopy analysis method *
- Analytical solution for earthquake induced hydrodynamic pressure on a circular cylinder in a two-layer fluid *
- Investigation on subsurface vortices within a closed pump intake under different pressure conditions *
- Collapse of cavitation bubbles near air bubbles *
- Control of vortex-induced vibrations of the cylinder by using split-ter plates immersed in the cylinder wake at low Reynolds number *
- Numerical study on ship-generated unsteady waves based on a Cartesian-grid method *
- Investigation of a ship resonance through numerical simulation *
- Physical properties of vortex and applicability of different vortex identification methods *
- Experimental and CFD investigations of choked cavitation characteristics of the gap flow in the valve lintel of navigation locks *
- Numerical analysis of added mass and damping of elastic hydrofoils *