水动力学研究与进展 B辑
- A review of transient flow structure and unsteady mechanism of cavitating flow *
- A Liutex based definition and identification of vortex core center lines *
- Objective Omega vortex identification method *
- Explicit formula for the Liutex vector and physical meaning of vorticity based on the Liutex-Shear decomposition *
- Cavitation vortex dynamics of unsteady sheet/cloud cavitating flows with shock wave using different vortex identification methods *
- Comparative assessment and analysis of Rortex vortex in swirling jets *
- Hydraulic resistance of river ice jams *
- Experimental investigation of combined vibrations for a hydrofoil-rod system at low Reynold numbers *
- Numerical study of a guide-vane-augmented vertical darrieus tidal-currentturbine *
- An investigation on HOBEM in evaluating ship wave of high speed displacement ship *
- A time domain three-dimensional sono-elastic method for ships’ vibration and acoustic radiation analysis in water *
- Productivity analysis of a fractured horizontal well in a shale gas reservoir based on discrete fracture network model *
- Moving of a submarine under an ice cover in fluid of finite depth *
- RANS feasibility study of using roughness to mimic transition strip effect on the crossflowseparation over a 6:1 prolate-spheroid *
- A direct coupling analysis method of hydroelastic responses of VLFS in complicated ocean geographical environment *
- Effects of air relief openings on the mitigation of solitary wave forces on bridge decks *
- Numerical simulation of hydrodynamic environment effects of the reclamation project of Nanhui tidal flat in Yangtze Estuary *
- Hydrodynamic improvement of a goose-head pattern braided reach in lower Yangtze River *
- Suppression of vortex-induced vibrations of a flexible riser by adding helical strakes *
- Mathematical foundation of turbulence generation-From symmetric to asymmetric Liutex *
- Application of the hybrid RANS/LES method on the hydraulic dynamic performance of centrifugal pumps *