论文 Articles
- In-situ catalytic upgrading of tar from integrated process of coal pyrolysis with steam reforming of methane over carbon based Ni catalyst
- 煤液化铁基催化剂对煤焦气化特性影响和动力学研究
- 煤矸石与半焦富氧混烧特性及污染物排放特性研究
- 精馏系统内真空度对生物油模型化合物蒸馏特性的影响
- 丝光沸石催化二甲醚羰基化研究进展
- 甲烷催化燃烧反应机理及催化剂研究进展
- 二氧化碳在聚氨酯中的资源化应用
- Methanol converting to propylene on weakly acidic and hierarchical porous MFI zeolite
- γ-Fe2O3纳米颗粒尺寸及碳化气氛对碳化过程的影响
- Phosphorous modified V-MCM-41 catalysts for propane dehydrogenation
- 催化裂化反应对1-己烯叠合反应的影响规律
- Nickel oxide modified C3N5 photocatalyst for enhanced hydrogen evolution performance
- Bi含量对溴氧化铋光催化性能的影响