- 燃煤电厂砷、硒、铅的排放与控制技术研究进展
- 燃煤烟气中As、Se、Pb的形态分布及S、Cl元素对其形态分布的影响
- Speciation analysis of arsenic in coal and its combustion by-products in coal-fired power plants
- 燃烧过程中碱/碱土金属对重金属迁移转化影响的研究进展
- 水蒸气对高岭土高温吸附铅的影响
- 典型钙/镁基吸附剂对二氧化硒吸附特性研究
- 矿物质氧化物对燃煤烟气中砷/铅的吸附特性研究
- In-situ reaction between arsenic/selenium and minerals in fly ash at high temperature during blended coal combustion
- 基于密度泛函理论的燃煤飞灰未燃尽碳与烟气砷作用机理
- 复合聚并协同脱除燃煤颗粒物及颗粒态重金属的中试研究
- 330 MW燃煤机组异相凝并对重金属排放控制的实验研究
- 燃煤电厂异相凝并飞灰重金属淋滤特性
- Study on the environmental effects of heavy metals in coal gangue and coal combustion by ReCiPe2016 for life cycle impact assessment