Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics
Research Papers
- Detection Capability Evaluation of Lunar Mineralogical Spectrometer:Results from Ground Experimental Data
- On the Nature of Long Period Radio Pulsar GPM J1839-10: Death Line and Pulse Width
- Constraining the Orbital Inclination and Companion Properties of Three Black Widow Pulsars Detected by FAST
- A Novel Imaging Method Based on Reweighted Total Variation for an Interferometer Array on Lunar Orbit
- The Study of the Physical Properties and Energy Sources of Five Luminous Type Ibc Supernovae
- Redshift Dependence of the Low-energy Spectral Index of Gamma-Ray Bursts Revisited
- Large-scale Dynamics of Line-driven Winds with the Re-radiation Effect
- A Study of Elemental Abundance Pattern of the r-II Star HD 222925
- A Revised Graduated Cylindrical Shell Model and its Application to a Prominence Eruption
- The Fundamental Plane of GRBs
- A Comparison of Co-temporal Vector Magnetograms Obtained with HMI/SDO and SP/Hinode
- Evolution of Subkilometer-scale Impact Craters on the Lunar Maria as Constrained from Mini-RF Data and Topographic Degradation Model
- Constraining the Spatial Curvature of the Local Universe with Deep Learning
- Correcting the Contamination of Second-order Spectra: Improving Hα Measurements in Reverberation Mapping Campaigns
- Fault Diagnosis of the LAMOST Fiber Positioner Based on a Long Short-term Memory (LSTM) Deep Neural Network
- Detection of Pulsation and Additional Components in Eclipsing Binary RS Sct
- Understanding the Predication Mechanism of Deep Learning through Error Propagation among Parameters in Strong Lensing Case
- Preliminary Study of Photometric Redshifts Based on the Wide Field Survey Telescope
- Effect of Matching Algorithm and Profile Shape on Pulsar Pulse Time of Arrival Uncertainties
- DRC-Net Method for Two-dimensional Spectral Classification
- PyMsOfa: A Python Package for the Standards of Fundamental Astronomy(SOFA) Service
- Solar Observation with the Fourier Transform Spectrometer.II.Preliminary Results of Solar Spectrum near the CO 4.66μm and MgI 12.32μm