Plasma Science and Technology
- Ion-acoustic waves with non-planar wavefronts
- Gyro-Landau-fluid simulations of impurity effects on ion temperature gradient driven turbulence transport
- Investigation on the roles of equilibrium toroidal rotation during edge-localized mode mitigated by resonant magnetic perturbations
- Gyrokinetic simulation of magnetic-islandinduced electric potential vortex mode
- Modification of streamer-to-leader transition model based on radial thermal expansion in the sphere-plane gap discharge at high altitude
- Different bactericidal abilities of plasmaactivated saline with various reactive species prepared by surface plasmaactivated air and plasma jet combinations
- A spatiotemporal evolution model of a short-circuit arc to a secondary arc based on the improved charge simulation method
- Influence of the position relationship between the cathode and magnetic separatrix on the discharge process of a Hall thruster
- Plasma nitrogen fixation system with dual-loop enhancement for improved energy efficiency and its efficacy for lettuce cultivation
- Laser-induced plasma formation in water with up to 400 mJ double-pulse LIBS
- Preliminary electromagnetic analysis of the COOL blanket for CFETR