Plasma Science and Technology
- Valley-dependent topological edge states in plasma photonic crystals
- Bulk moduli of two-dimensional Yukawa solids and liquids obtained from periodic compressions
- Modeling of magnetized collisional plasma sheath with nonextensive electron distribution and ionization source
- Observation of the poloidally asymmetrical density perturbation of sawtooth collapse on J-TEXT
- Alfvén continuum in the presence of a magnetic island in a cylinder configuration
- Fluid simulation of the effect of a dielectric window with high temperature on plasma parameters in inductively coupled plasma
- Multi-point discharge model: study on corona discharge of double-ended needle in large space
- Electron sheaths near a positively biased plate subjected to a weak electron beam
- Polyvinyl alcohol-potassium iodide gel probe to monitor the distribution of reactive species generation around atmosphericpressure plasma jet
- Simulation of the spatio-temporal evolution of the electron energy distribution function in a pulsed hollow-cathode discharge
- Evolution of ionization waves in a multipulsed plasma jet: the role of memory charges
- Long-term corona behaviour and performance enhancing mechanism of SiC/epoxy nanocomposite in SF6 gas environment
- Experimental study on the improvement of spray characteristics of aero-engines using gliding arc plasma
- Enhanced antibacterial activity of cotton via silver nanocapsules deposited by atmospheric pressure plasma jet
- Experimental investigation on de-icing by an array of impact rod-type plasma synthetic jets
- Improvement of circuit oscillation generated by underwater high voltage pulse discharges based on pulse power thyristor
- Degradation of antibiotic contaminants from water by gas-liquid underwater discharge plasma
- Study on the effect of focal position change on the expansion velocity and propagation mechanism of plasma generated by millisecond pulsed laser-induced fused silica
- Laser-assisted ablation and plasma formation of titanium explored by LIBS,QCM, optical microscopy and SEM analyses along with mechanical modifications under different pressures of Ar and Ne
- Experimental investigation of dynamic stall flow control using a microsecond-pulsed plasma actuator
- Degradation of sulfamethoxazole in water by dielectric barrier discharge plasma jet:influencing parameters, degradation pathway, toxicity evaluation
- Improvement of a temperature response function for divertor heat flux monitoring in fusion devices
- Application of integrated simulation environment SIEMNED to the analysis of the MEPHIST-0 tokamak operation