Nuclear Science and Techniques
- Determining absolute value of thermal neutron flux density based on monocrystalline silicon in nuclear reactors
- Transition edge sensor-based detector: from X-ray to γ-ray
- Hybrid model for muon tomography and quantitative analysis of image quality
- Graded composition and doping p-i-n AlxGa1-xAs/GaAs detector for unbiased voltage operation
- Levels and behavior of environmental tritium in East Asia
- A large area 3He tube array detector with vacuum operation capacity for the SANS instrument at the CSNS
- Commissioning of laser electron gamma beamline SLEGS at SSRF
- Imaging internal density structure of the Laoheishan volcanic cone with cosmic ray muon radiography
- Surface metallization of PTFE and PTFE composites by ion implantation for low-background electronic substrates in rareevent detection experiments
- Production of high-energy neutron beam from deuteron breakup
- Silicon PIN photodiode applied to acquire high-frequency sampling XAFS spectra
- Improvement of machine learning-based vertex reconstruction for large liquid scintillator detectors with multiple types of PMTs
- A non-invasive diagnostic method of cavity detuning based on a convolutional neural network
- A 5.12-GHz LC-based phase-locked loop for silicon pixel readouts of high-energy physics