Nuclear Science and Techniques
- Influences of harmonic cavities on single-bunch instabilities in electron storage rings
- Prediction calculations for the first criticality of the HTR-PM using the PANGU code
- A compact electron storage ring for lithographical applications
- Experimental study on the penetration characteristics of leaking molten salt in the thermal insulation layer of aluminum silicate fiber
- Evaluation of the passivation effect and the first-principles calculation on surface termination of germanium detector
- Neutronic analysis of deuteron-driven spallation target
- Tungsten control in type-I ELMy H-mode plasmas on EAST
- Yield of long-lived fission product transmutation using proton-,deuteron-,and alpha particle-induced spallation
- Design optimization and cold RF test of a 2.6-cell cryogenic RF gun
- Compact CubeSat Gamma-ray detector for GRID mission
- An initial study on liner-like Z-pinch loads with a novel configuration on Qiangguang-I facility
- Measurements of the 197Au(n,γ) cross section up to 100 keV at the CSNS Back-n facility
- Multi-modality measurement and comprehensive analysis of hepatocellular carcinoma using synchrotron-based microscopy and spectroscopy
- Adaptive discontinuous finite element quadrature sets over an icosahedron for discrete ordinates method