Nuclear Science and Techniques
- Simulation of a molten salt fast reactor using the COMSOL Multiphysics software
- BL19U2: Small-angle X-ray scattering beamline for biological macromolecules in solution at SSRF
- Bulk etch rates of CR-39 at high etchant concentrations:diffusionlimited etching
- Studies on mass attenuation coefficients for some body tissues with different medical sources and their validation using Monte Carlo codes
- Determination of gross α and β activities in Zouma River based on online HPGe gamma measurement system
- Analysis of OECD/NEA medium 1000 MWth sodium-cooled fast reactor using the Monte Carlo serpent code and ENDF/B-VIII.0 nuclear data library
- Recent development of hydrodynamic modeling in heavy-ion collisions
- Secondary decay effects of the isospin fractionation in the projectile fragmentation at GeV/nucleon
- Numerical simulation and method study of X-ray litho-density logging