- 器物之用
- 国家记忆中的叙事工具、事实与快速思维
- 象雄王朝在青藏高原
- 关于民族区域自治由来、建设及健全的研究
- 阶序格局下的祭司与国王
- 得意忘形
- 傈僳族漆油饮食文化论
- 返景入深林:女性社会性别的多元建构
- 转型加速时期西部少数民族地区结构性贫困研究述论
- 四川省产业结构升级
- 基于NVivo质性分析的羌族灾后心理复原力的影响因素研究
- 心理量表在民族高校大学生
- What Do Artifacts Do?
- Narrative Tools,Truth,and Fast Thinking in National Memory:A Mnemonic Standoff between Russia and the West over Ukraine
- The End of Zhang Zhung Kingdom in the Northwestern Areaof the Qinghai—Tibet High Plateau and Its Continuation in the Southeastern Area
- Understanding the Origin,Founding and Characteristics of Ethnic Regional Autonomy
- The Priest and the King in Hierarchy: on Louis Dumont餾
- Catching Meaning while Forgetting Image,an Illustration Basedon 獷volution in Arts and 玃rimitive Classification
- Lacquer Seed Oil and the Food Culture of the Lisu
- The Multi—Constructionist Concept of Gender
- A Discussion on Structural Poverty in the Western Ethnic Region during the Period of Accelerated Transformation
- Sichuan餾 Situation in Industrial Structure Upgrading and Financial Support
- A Study on Factors Influencing the Qiang餾 Post—Disaster Psychological Resilience
- The Application Status of Psychological Scale for the Study ofthe Psychological Health of Ethnic Minority College Students