《运动与健康科学(英文)》(Journal of Sport and Health Science, JSHS)是由上海体育学院主办的中国大陆第一本英文版体育学术期刊,2012年创刊,2014年被SCI和SSCI两大数据库同时收录,2020年被国际权威生物医学文献数据库MEDLINE收录。聚焦运动医学、运动损伤预防与临床康复、运动生理学、公共健康促进、身体活动流行病学、运动生物力学、运动生物化学与营养、运动心理学、锻炼与脑健康、体育教育学、中国传统体育与健康等研究领域。编委会成员由亚洲、北美洲、欧洲、大洋洲等地区国际知名专家组成(国际编委占78%)。已获得“中国百强报刊”“中国最美期刊”“中国最具国际影响力学术期刊”等奖项,入选“中国科技期刊卓越行动计划重点期刊建设项目”。
Journal of Sport and Health Science
- Prevalence of meeting 24-Hour Movement Guidelines from pre-school to adolescence:A systematic review and meta-analysis including 387,437 participants and 23 countries
- Which psychosocial factors are associated with return to sport following concussion?A systematic review
- Do people with low back pain walk differently?A systematic review and meta-analysis
Original articles
- Lymphangiogenesis contributes to exercise-induced physiological cardiac growth
- Influence of biological sex and exercise on murine cardiac metabolism
- Exercise promotes angiogenesis by enhancing endothelial cell fatty acid utilization via liver-derived extracellular vesicle miR-122-5p
- Gender inequalities in physical activity among adolescents from 64 Global South countries
- Associations between meeting 24-hour movement guidelines and academic achievement in Australian primary school-aged children
- Back to school after lockdown:The effect of COVID-19 restrictions on children’s device-based physical activity metrics
- Engagement in outdoor physical activity under ambient fine particulate matter pollution:A risk-benefit analysis