Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics
- Constrained geometry analysis to resolve 3-D deformations from three ground-based radars
- Interferometric coherence and seasonal deformation characteristics analysis of saline soil based on Sentinel-1A time series imagery
- InSAR measurements of surface deformation over permafrost on Fenghuoshan Mountains section, Qinghai-Tibet Plateau
- Detecting spatio-temporal urban surface changes using identified temporary coherent scatterers
- Comparison of density and positioning accuracy of PS extracted from super-resolution PSI with those from traditional PSI
- Distributed inverse synthetic aperture radar imaging of ship target with complex motion
- Bayesian track-before-detect algorithm for nonstationary sea clutter
- A sparsity adaptive compressed signal reconstruction based on sensing dictionary
- Underdetermined DOA estimation via multiple time-delay covariance matrices and deep residual network
- A highly reliable embedding algorithm for airborne tactical network virtualization
- A robust TDOA based solution for source location using mixed Huber loss
- A method of line spectrum extraction based on target radiated spectrum feature and its post-processing
- ADC-GERT network parameter estimation model for mission effectiveness of joint operation system
- Real-time online rescheduling for multiple agile satellites with emergent tasks
- UAV cooperative air combat maneuver decision based on multi-agent reinforcement learning
- Evolution of technology management system based on self-organization theory
- Experimental study of path planning problem using EMCOA for a holonomic mobile robot
- Self-organized search-attack mission planning for UAV swarm based on wolf pack hunting behavior
- Trajectory tracking of tail-sitter aircraft by L1 adaptive fault tolerant control
- A learning-based flexible autonomous motion control method for UAV in dynamic unknown environments
- Influence of roll-pitch seeker DRR and parasitic loop on Lyapunov stability of guidance system
- Optimal reconfiguration of constellation using adaptive innovation driven multiobjective evolutionary algorithm
- Compensated methods for networked control system with packet drops based on compressed sensing