Journal of Semiconductors
- A chlorinated copolymer donor demonstrates a 18.13% power conversion efficiency
- Voltage-dependent plasticity and image Boolean operations realized in a WOx -based memristive synapse
- Towards engineering in memristors for emerging memory and neuromorphic computing: A review
- Neutron irradiation-induced effects on the reliability performance of electrochemical metallization memory devices
- A revew of in situ transmission electron microscopy study on the switching mechanism and packaging reliability in non-volatile memory
- Electrolyte-gated transistors for neuromorphic applications
- Embracing the era of neuromorphic computing
- Multiply accumulate operations in memristor crossbar arrays for analog computing
- A pioneer in magnetic semiconductors — Professor Stephan von Molnár
- D18, an eximious solar polymer!
- Neuromorphic vision sensors: Principle, progress and perspectives
- Preface to the Special Issue on Beyond Moore: Resistive Switching Devices for Emerging Memory and Neuromorphic Computing
- Ion migration in perovskite solar cells
- Study of short-term synaptic plasticity in Ion-Gel gated graphene electric-double-layer synaptic transistors