Journal of Oceanology and Limnology
- Contribution of surface wave-induced vertical mixing to heat content in global upper ocean*
- Upper ocean response to typhoon Kujira (2015) in the South China Sea by multiple means of observation*
- Inf luence of simulating deep-sea environmental factors on cathodic performance of seawater battery*
- Adsorption characteristics of chitooligosaccharides onto activated charcoal in aqueous solutions*
- Eff ects of hypoxia on survival, behavior, and metabolism of Zhikong scallop Chlamys farreri Jones et Preston 1904*
- Distinct inf luence of trimethylamine N-oxide and high hydrostatic pressure on community structure and culturable deep-sea bacteria*
- Microbial communities present on mooring chain steels with diff erent copper contents and corrosion rates*
- The levels of microbial diversity in diff erent water layers of saline Chagan Lake, China*
- Genetic structure and demographic histories of two sympatric Culter species in eastern China*
- Comparative analysis of mitochondrial genome of a deepsea crab Chaceon granulates reveals positive selection and novel genetic features*
- Molecular characterization of yolk proteins in the female crab Neptunus pelagicus (A. Milne-Edwards, 1861) from the Mediterranean Sea of Alexandria, Egypt
- Tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α) in spotted halibut Verasper variegatus at the embryonic and metamorphic stages*
- Transcriptomic analysis reveals putative osmoregulation mechanisms in the kidney of euryhaline turbot Scophthalmus maximus responded to hypo-saline seawater*
- Assessment of internal controls for data normalization of gene expression after diff erent bacterial stimulation by quantitative real-time PCR in golden pompano Trachinotus blochii*
- The f irst mitogenome of the Nile puff erf ish Tetraodon lineatus from Lake Turkana in East Africa: new insights into the genus*
- Development and characterization of novel polymorphic microsatellite markers for the Korean freshwater snail Semisulcospira coreana and cross-species amplif ication using next-generation sequencing*
- Defensive physiological characters of Pyropia yezoensis resistant lines to the red rot disease*
- Cyclic adenosine monophosphate signal pathway is involved in regulation of triacylglycerol biosynthesis following nitrogen deprivation in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii*
- Biosynthesis of phycocyanobilin in recombinant Escherichia coli*
- Sabatieria sinica sp. nov. (Comesomatidae, Nematoda) from Jiaozhou Bay, China*
- A new free-living marine nematode species of Rhinema from the South China Sea*
- Eff ects of f lorfenicol exposure on growth, development and antioxidant capacity of f lounder Paralichthys olivaceus larvae at diff erent developmental stages*
- Establishment and characterization of a new cell line derived from half-smooth tongue sole Cynoglossus semilaevis kidney*
- Heritability of resistance-related gene expression traits and their correlation with body size of clam Meretrix petechialis*
- Transcriptional responses to starvation of pathogenic Vibrio harveyi strain DY1*
- Erratum to: Seabed domes with circular depressions in the North Yellow Sea*