Journal of Marine Science and Application(《船舶与海洋工程学报》),创刊于2002年,季刊,由中国造船工程学会和哈尔滨工程大学联合主办,与国际知名出版集团Springer联合出版发行的英文国际学术期刊,是中国造船工程学会会刊。主要刊登中国船舶与海洋领域最新的科研成果和高水平的学术论文,旨在促进国际学术交流、推动国内船舶科技的发展。期刊具体内容涉及船舶工程(基础理论研究、船舶结构物设计、船舶性能研究、船舶结构动力学分析、造船技术、船舶材料、现代船舶设计与制造、水下航行器等)、海洋工程(海岸工程、港口航道、深海工程、海洋水文、海洋气象等)、船舶轮机工程、船舶电力与通信、船舶动力与机械、水声工程(水声材料研究、水下通信技术、水下声设备与仪器研究、水声探测技术等)、船舶经济学等。为进一步促进船舶与海洋工程诸领域研究的学术交流,让作者更方便地投稿和跟踪审稿进度,让编委和审稿人更轻松管理审稿任务和决策,采用汤森路透ScholarOne Manuscripts在线投审稿平台。 汤森路透是全球领先的专业信息和在线工作流平台提供商,是科学引文索引(SCI)的 出版者。《Journal of Marine Science and Application》基于ScholarOne Manuscripts 的投审稿平台现已正式开通请访问 jmsa 如需查询原投稿系统中已投稿件的状态,请登录 ?Role=author 或电话咨询0451-82589211,给您带来的不便我们深感歉意!
Journal of Marine Science and Application
- Numerical Evaluation of Rudder Performance Behind a Propeller in Bollard Pull Condition
- Comparison of Microbubble and Air Layer Injection with Porous Media for Drag Reduction on a Self-propelled Barge Ship Model
- Ships Bottom Cavities as Shock Absorbers in Waves
- Dynamic Analysis of High-Speed Boat Motion Simulator by a Novel 3-DoF Parallel Mechanism with Prismatic Actuators Based on Seakeeping Trial
- Effect of Sea Level Rise and Offshore Wave Height Change on Nearshore Waves and Coastal Structures
- Numerical Investigation of Contra Rotating Vertical-Axis Tidal-Current Turbine
- Influence of Short Time-Scale Water-Column Temperature Fluctuations on Broadband Signal Angular Beam Spreading
- Structural Design and Performance Analysis of a Deep-Water Ball Joint Seal
- Determining the Scour Dimensions Around Submerged Vanes in a 180°Bend with the Gene Expression Programming Technique
- Empirical Equilibrium Beach Profiles Along the Eastern Tombolo of Giens
- Comparison of Scour and Flow Characteristics Around Circular and Oblong Bridge Piers in Seepage Affected Alluvial Channels
- Internal Resonances for the Heave Roll and Pitch Modes of a Spar Platform Considering Wave and Vortex Exciting Loads in Heave Main Resonance
- Fast Ferry Smoothing Motion via Intelligent PD Controller
- Journal Of Marine Science And Application