Journal of Magnesium and Alloys
- Study on the early surface flms formed on Mg-Y molten alloy in different atmospheres
- Microstructural evolution of Mg-7Al-2Sn Mg alloy during multi-directional impact forging
- Critical mechanical properties and FEA simulation for crashworthiness assessment of a coarse-grained cast AM50 alloy
- Phase stability,electronic,elastic and thermodynamic properties of Al-RE intermetallics in Mg-Al-RE alloy:A frst principles study
- Microstructures and tensile properties of submerged friction stir processed AZ91 magnesium alloy
- Age hardening,fracture behavior and mechanical properties of QE22 Mg alloy
- Modeling of transverse welds formation during liquid–solid extrusion directly following vacuum infltration of magnesium matrix composite
- Effect of temperature and strain rate on compressive response of extruded magnesium nano-composite
- Electrochemical deposition of Mg(OH)2/GO composite flms for corrosion protection of magnesium alloys
- Effect of experimental parameters on the micro hardness of plasma sprayed alumina coatings on AZ31B magnesium alloy
- Infuence of solution treatment on microstructure,mechanical and corrosion properties of Mg-4Zn alloy
- Research of growth mechanism of ceramic coatings fabricated by micro-arc oxidation on magnesium alloys at high current mode
- Infuence of sulfate ion concentration and pH on the corrosion of Mg-Al-Zn-Mn(GA9)magnesium alloy