Journal of Integrative Agriculture
Crop Science
- OsDXR interacts with OsMORF1 to regulate chloroplast development and the RNA editing of chloroplast genes in rice
- Development of new aromatic rice lines with high eating and cooking qualities
- Changes in grain-filling characteristics of single-cross maize hybrids released in China from 1964 to 2014
- Breeding against mycorrhizal symbiosis: Modern cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) varieties perform more poorly than older varieties except at very high phosphorus supply levels
- Effects of erect panicle genotype and environment interactions on rice yield and yield components
- Discrimination of individual seed viability by using the oxygen consumption technique and headspace-gas chromatography-ion mobility spectrometry
- Millet/peanut intercropping at a moderate N rate increases crop productivity and N use efficiency,as well as economic benefits,under rain-fed conditions
Plant Protection
- A universal probe for simultaneous detection of six pospiviroids and natural infection of potato spindle tuber viroid (PSTVd) in tomato in China
- A Meloidogyne incognita effector Minc03329 suppresses plant immunity and promotes parasitism
- Halloween genes AhCYP307A2 and AhCYP314A1 modulate last instar larva–pupa–adult transition,ovarian development andoogenesis in Agasicles hygrophila (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae)
- Chromosome-level genome assembly of Cylas formicarius provides insights into its adaptation and invasion mechanisms
Animal Science · Veterinary Medicine
- Effect of group size and regrouping on physiological stress and behavior of dairy calves
- TlMP2 promotes intramuscular fat deposition by regulating the extracellular matrix in chicken
- SCSMRD: A database for single-cell skeletal muscle regeneration
- Genome characterization of the Caprine arthritis-encephalitis virus in China: A retrospective genomic analysis of the earliest Chinese isolates
- Phylogenetic and epidemiological characteristics of H9N2 avian influenza viruses in Shandong Province,China from 2019 to 2021
Agro-Ecosystem & Environment
- Effect of fertigation frequency on soil nitrogen distribution and tomato yield under alternate partial root-zone drip irrigation
- Growth and nitrogen productivity of drip-irrigated winter wheat under different nitrogen fertigation strategies in the North China Plain
- Changes in the activities of key enzymes and the abundance of functional genes involved in nitrogen transformation in rice rhizosphere soil under different aerated conditions