Journal of Integrative Agriculture
- ldentification of long-grain chromosome segment substitution line Z744 and QTL analysis for agronomic traits in rice
- Bioinformatic identification and analyses of the non-specific lipid transfer proteins in wheat
- Development and identification of glyphosate-tolerant transgenic soybean via direct selection with glyphosate
- Effect of wide-narrow row arrangement in mechanical pot-seedling transplanting and plant density on yield formation and grain quality of japonica rice
- lmproved soil characteristics in the deeper plough layer can increase grain yield of winter wheat
- lnteracting leaf dynamics and environment to optimize maize sowing date in North China Plain
- Optimizing agronomic practices for closing rapeseed yield gaps under intensive cropping systems in China
- Genome-wide identification and expression analysis of anthocyanin biosynthetic genes in Brassica juncea
- Genome-wide identification and expression analysis of asparagine synthetase family in apple
- Rapid detection of potato late blight using a loop-mediated isothermal amplification assay
- Monoclonal antibody-based serological detection of potato virus M in potato plants and tubers
- MmNet:ldentifying Mikania micrantha Kunth in the wild via a deep Convolutional Neural Network
- Using an image segmentation and support vector machine method for identifying two locust species and instars
- Genome-wide detection of selective signatures in a Jinhua pig population
- Effect of transferring lignocellulose-degrading bacteria from termite to rumen fluid of sheep on in vitro gas production,fermentation parameters,microbial populations and enzyme activity
- Lactate dehydrogenase:An important molecule involved in acetamizuril action against Eimeria tenella
- Strategies for timing nitrogen fertilization of pear trees based on the distribution,storage,and remobilization of 15N from seasonal application of (15NH4)2SO4
- Long-term fertilization leads to specific PLFA finger-prints in Chinese Hapludults soil
- The effects of water and nitrogen on the roots and yield of upland and paddy rice
- The effects of calcium combined with chitosan amendment on the bioavailability of exogenous Pb in calcareous soil
- Effects of UV-B treatment on controlling lignification and quality of bamboo (Phyllostachys prominens)shoots without sheaths during cold storage
- Effects of INA on postharvest blue and green molds and anthracnose decay in citrus fruit
- QTL-allele matrix detected from RTM-GWAS is a powerful tool for studies in genetics,evolution,and breeding by design of crops