Journal of Integrative Agriculture
- Impacts of COVID-19 on agriculture and rural poverty in China
- Vegetable production under COVlD-19 pandemic in China:An analysis based on the data of 526 households
- lmpacts of the COVlD-19 pandemic on vegetable production and countermeasures from an agricultural insurance perspective
- The short-and long-term impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on family farms in China -Evidence from a survey of 2 324 farms
- Pigfarmers'willingness to recovertheir productionunder COVlD-19pandemic shock inChina-Empirical evidencefrom a farm survey
- lmpacts of the COVlD-19 pandemic on the dairy industry:Lessons from China and the United States and policy implications
- Panic buying? Food hoarding during the pandemic period with city lockdown
- lmpacts of the COVlD-19 pandemic on consumers' food safety knowledge and behavior in China
- Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on agricultural exports
- lmpacts of the COVlD-19 pandemic on rural poverty and policy responses in China
- Breeding of CMS maintainer lines through anther culture assisted by high-resolution melting-based markers
- Development of peanut varieties with high oil content by in vitro mutagenesis and screening
- Changes in starch quality of mid-season indica rice varieties in the lower reaches of the Yangtze River in last 80 years
- Innovation of the double-maize cropping system based on cultivar growing degree days for adapting to changing weather conditions in the North China Plain
- Overview of purple blotch disease and understanding its management through chemical,biological and genetic approaches
- Cloning and functional characterization of two peptidoglycan recognition protein isoforms (PGRP-LC) in Bactrocera dorsalis(Diptera:Tephritidae)
- Attraction of bruchid beetles Callosobruchus chinensis (L.)(Coleoptera:Bruchidae) to host plant volatiles
- Application of imidacloprid controlled-release granules to enhance the utilization rate and control wheat aphid on winter wheat
- The expression of Lin28B was co-regulated by H3K4me2 and Wnt5a/β-catenin/TCF7L2
- The tissue expression level of BPI gene in piglets from newborn to weaning and its relationship with Gram-negative bacterial infection