Journal of Integrative Agriculture
- Transcriptome and metabolome profiling of unheading in F1 hybrid rice
- ldentification of main effect and epistatic QTLs controlling initial flowering date in cultivated peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.)
- Yield characteristics of japonica/indica hybrids rice in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River in China
- Yield-related agronomic traits evaluation for hybrid wheat and relations of ethylene and polyamines biosynthesis to filling at the mid-grain filling stage
- Key indicators affecting maize stalk lodging resistance of different growth periods under different sowing dates
- High-throughput phenotyping identifies plant growth differences under well-watered and drought treatments
- Rejuvenating soybean (Glycine max L.) growth and development through slight shading stress
- A new species of Malus in China,Malus shizongensis Liu sp.nov
- Efficiency of potassium-solubilizing Paenibacillus mucilaginosus for the growth of apple seedling
- First report of a new potato disease caused by Galactomyces candidum F12 in China
- Functional characterization of the catalytic and bromodomain of FgGCN5 in development,DON production and virulence of Fusarium graminearum
- Effects of a novel mesoionic insecticide,triflumezopyrim,on the feeding behavior of rice planthoppers,Nilaparvata lugens and Sogatella furcifera (Hemiptera:Delphacidae)
- Development of an automatic monitoring system for rice light-trap pests based on machine vision
- Two new SlNE insertion polymorphisms in pig Vertnin (VRTN) gene revealed by comparative genomic alignment
- Rapid detection of Pseudomonas aeruginosa by cross priming amplification
- Aggregate-associated changes in nutrient properties,microbial community and functions in a greenhouse vegetable field based on an eight-year fertilization experiment of China
- Pseudomonas sp.TK35-L enhances tobacco root development and growth by inducing HRGPnt3 expression in plant lateral root formation
- Contrasting resilience of soil microbial biomass,microbial diversity and ammonification enzymes under three applied soil fumigants
- Impact of cash crop cultivation on household income and migration decisions:Evidence from low-income regions in China
- Research and application of real-time monitoring and early warning thresholds for multi-temporal agricultural products information
- Decreasing detection frequency of MITE (MCLas-A) in the population of ‘Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus’ recently collected in southern China