Journal of Integrative Agriculture
- Prospects of utilization of inter-subspecific heterosis between indica and japonica rice
- Insights into African swine fever virus immunoevasion strategies
- Genetic and agronomic traits stability of marker-free transgenic wheat plants generated from Agrobacterium-mediated co-transformation in T2 and T3 generations
- Biotic and abiotic stress-responsive genes are stimulated to resist drought stress in purple wheat
- Precision phenotyping of contrasting potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) varieties in a novel aeroponics system for improving nitrogen use efficiency: ln search of key traits and genes
- Effects of uniconazole with or without micronutrient on the lignin biosynthesis,lodging resistance,and winter wheat production in semiarid regions
- Weakened carbon and nitrogen metabolisms under post-silking heat stress reduce the yield and dry matter accumulation in waxy maize
- Physiological traits and anatomic structures of the seed for two short cotton season genotypes (Gossypium hirsutum L.) under water stress
- Evaluation of drought indices to identify tolerant genotypes in common bean bush (Phaseolus vulgaris L.)
- Effects of different LEDs light spectrum on the growth,leaf anatomy,and chloroplast ultrastructure of potato plantlets in vitro and minituber production after transplanting in the greenhouse
- Domestication and breeding changed tomato fruit transcriptome
- Selenium distribution and nitrate metabolism in hydroponic lettuce(Lactuca sativa L.): Effects of selenium forms and light spectra
- Screening of antagonistic Trichoderma strains and their application for controlling stalk rot in maize
- Mapping subgenomic promoter of coat protein gene of Cucumber green mottle mosaic virus
- Evaluation of soil flame disinfestation (SFD) for controlling weeds,nematodes and fungi
- Herbicidal activity of Aureobasidium pullulans PA-2 on weeds and optimization of its solid-state fermentation conditions
- ldentification and characterization of a TLR13 gene homologue from Laodelphax striatellus involved in the immune response induced by rice stripe virus
- Exploiting push-pull strategy to combat the tea green leafhopper based on volatiles of Lavandula angustifolia and Flemingia macrophylla
- Effects of Paranosema locustae (Microsporidia) on the development and morphological phase transformation of Locusta migratoria(Orthoptera: Acrididae) through modulation of the neurotransmitter taurine
- The toxicological effect of dietary excess of saccharicterpenin,the extract of camellia seed meal,in piglets
- MicroRNA-22 inhibits proliferation and promotes differentiation of satellite cells in porcine skeletal muscle
- Effects of reduced nitrogen and suitable soil moisture on wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) rhizosphere soil microbiological,biochemical properties and yield in the Huanghuai Plain,China
- Silicon impacts on soil microflora under Ralstonia Solanacearum inoculation
- Straw layer burial to alleviate salt stress in silty loam soils: Impacts of straw forms
- Soil temperature estimation at different depths,using remotelysensed data
- Moving beyond the opposition of diverse knowledge systems for food security and nutrition