Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology(New Series)
- Review:Controllable Synthesis of Two-Dimensional (2D) MoS2 byChemical Vapor Deposition Process
- Potential of Novel Halotolerant and Psychrotrophic Strain ofPlanococcus sp. for Water Treatment
- Submarine Pipeline Lateral Global Buckling and Buckling FailureCritical State Discussion
- Acceleration of Lattice Boltzmann Simulation via OpenACC
- Mechanical Analyses of Rails and Panels in a RectangularElectromagnetic Rail Launcher
- Influences of Tool Wear on Residual Stress and Fatigue Life ofWorkpiece in Hard Cutting Process
- A RBPF Algorithm with Non-intact Particle Data for FastSLAM
- Method for Calculating the Ultimate Strength of Pitting CorrosionShip Structural Plates Under Combined Loads
- Seismic Data Recovery with Curvelet Bivariate Shrinkage FunctionBased on Compressed Sensing